Early mathematical error in original climate model input has led science down a fictitious path – IOTW Report

Early mathematical error in original climate model input has led science down a fictitious path

Can we put the Global Warming garbage to bed once and for all?

We won’t even call it a fraud. We will allow the charlatans to say it was all a mistake. Now they just have to stop kicking and screaming and admit their science is deeply, deeply flawed.

ht/ justthetip

14 Comments on Early mathematical error in original climate model input has led science down a fictitious path

  1. I shall believe in this Global Warming.
    I shall believe that this Global Warming is directly caused by human activity, and will change my activities and lifestyle to help mitigate my impact.
    They predict from one month out: one tornado, in one location, on one date…twice.
    Or perhaps, they declare one food, spice, chemical, bodily enzyme level, or state of condition bad for you. And they don’t completely reverse that opinion a decade later.
    Then I shall believe.
    Until then they are Grant Whores, shilling for the New Establishment.

  2. Declaring war on the Sun sounds like something from a bad 3rd rate sci fi story. But then again globull warming is all made up and phony anyway. Where are they going to find a fire proof intergalactic spaceship? And just like the old joke goes they’d probably have to sneak up on the Sun in the dark. Maybe they can hire some Vogons from The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy with their intergalactic constructor/destructor fleet to the job for them.

  3. Error my ass.
    Globaloney Climax Change is a cult.

    Nothing more. Nothing less.

    Listen to them: “I believe in …”
    A belief system isn’t science.

    You will NEVER hear a Physicist say: “I believe in Gravity.”

  4. Federal government employee retired (for 42 years with a pension that’s grown with government employee cola from yearly $17,000 to $90,000 over the years, not including medical benefits) was yammering to me that all it does is rain.

    I suggested he call his representative since his government claims it can control the weather. Conversation ended quickly.

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