Either Way They’re Screwed – IOTW Report

Either Way They’re Screwed

Biden tells President Obama he wants to run for re-election in 2024. Here

Bernie Sanders declares he’ll run in 2024 if Biden doesn’t. Here

11 Comments on Either Way They’re Screwed

  1. I keep seeing in my mind a hologram of Princess Leia saying ‘Help me Dominion, you’re my only hope!’ Because no actual people are going to vote for any Dems. Certainly not 81 million.

  2. “… just go away, both Biden and Sanders.”

    “… just die, both Biden and Sanders.”

    Fixed it for ya!
    You’re welcome.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. The Ds really screwed up with their hierarchy of power-mongers. They’re down to a handful of ancient dodos kow-towing to their globalist puppet masters and their “Deep State” are a hoard of parasitic know-nothings/do-nothings/screw-up-everythings who are totally corrupt and reviled.

  4. …and except for that jug-eared choomer and his beard, they’re mostly ALL old white guys. Now, that’s pretty funny for all those splinter group activists, especially the feminazis, who have been screaming bloody murder about “old white guys” and the “patriarchal hierarchy” for the past 70 years!

  5. So, the article asks: “Bernie is already 80 years old. Is he planning to retire? Ever?”

    Ummm… Don’t you have to actually work or have a real job before you can retire?


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