Election Night: 7 States Vote, Red Wave Brews Off Both Coasts – IOTW Report

Election Night: 7 States Vote, Red Wave Brews Off Both Coasts

Voters in California, New Jersey, South Dakota, Iowa, Mississippi, Montana, and New Mexico are selecting their GOP and Democrat nominees in several primaries on Tuesday as the signs of a red wave continue to brew off both coasts.

7 Comments on Election Night: 7 States Vote, Red Wave Brews Off Both Coasts

  1. I wish the hell we’d stop being so confident about the midterm election. Remember Hillary’s confidence? I don’t trust the Dems as far as I can throw them when it comes to elections. I also wish R’s running at the federal level begin to coalesce around a unified message/policies. They’d win in a huge way if they say the first order of business in 2023 would be to pass a law (hopefully a a veto-proof bill) to require federal agencies to open drilling immediately as a matter of national interests. I said it before, no one person should EVER have the power to shut down domestic drilling via an EO. That message alone would almost assure a blockbuster of a win.

  2. @stoptothink ~ “I wish the hell we’d stop being so confident about the midterm election.” … amen to that, brother
    they might let the recuckicans win, but it’s not going to be the ‘landslide’ everyone predicted … not enough to get a veto-proof majority … same old, same old

    & … “I also wish R’s running at the federal level begin to coalesce around a unified message/policies.” … ever notice that they just quite can’t seem to do exactly that?
    it’s the game they play … it’s become so standard that it’s brought out every mid-term. even the D’rats play it! oh yes, we’re reassured ‘the party out of power always advances in the mid-terms’ … ask yourself ‘why’? they’ve conditioned us to this scenario.

    our ‘democracy’ is such bullshit

    frankly, I’d get better terms from the Mafia … & better protection

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