Elizabeth Warren calls for a ban on menthol cigarettes because they are racists against blacks – IOTW Report

Elizabeth Warren calls for a ban on menthol cigarettes because they are racists against blacks

This again?


Fake Native American Sen. Elizabeth Warren has joined other Democrat senators in calling for a ban of menthol cigarettes because they are racist.

Warren added her name to the effort led by fellow Massachusetts Sen. Edward Markey and joined by Rhode Island Sens. Jack Reed and Sheldon Whitehouse and Connecticut Sen. Richard Blumenthal.

In a letter to the Food and Drug Administration, the senators argued that African-Americans have the highest mortality rate of all ethnic groups due to smoking related diseases, and Menthol cigarettes pose a greater risk.

The letter, signed by the senators, cited a 2011 study done by the FDA that showed “menthol cigarettes pose a public health risk above that seen with non-menthol cigarettes.”  MORE

45 Comments on Elizabeth Warren calls for a ban on menthol cigarettes because they are racists against blacks

  1. Poor Black Folks can’t even decide what to smoke without white democrats deciding what’s best for them.
    According to the Left, Blacks are too stupid to decide for themselves, and the only way to help them is to limit the availability of what is bad for them.
    One day Blacks will be truly ‘woke’ and the Left better watch out.

  2. If there’s a completely idiotic democrat idea about you can safely bet that Blumenthal will be there along with the other “me too me too” Liz Warren. What a menagerie of dipshits are the dems.

  3. If she really cared about “black folks”, she could have said: “African-Americans have the highest mortality rate of all ethnic groups due to ABORTION, and PLANNED PARENTHOOD poses the greatest risk to black lives”

  4. What a load of crap. I quit smoking 13 years ago. 2 packs of KOOL a day and I am so white I have to notify the FAA if I go outside for fear of blinding pilots from the reflection off of my skin. Ginger problems are real. Lol

  5. What happened to the days of “Promote the general welfare,” not “Provide the general welfare by preventing people from doing stuff we think is bad for them?” If Fauxahontas and her minions want to start an ad campaign providing information that smoking menthol cigarettes might be bad for your health–by all means, go for it. If you want to target those ads in black media, go for it. But leave people the right to decide for themselves!

  6. Three White Senators condescending to tell black people that they should not prefer menthol cigarettes, and that these White Senators will now protect black people from the Evil Menthol Cigarette. Remember: Vote for the Democrats who Saved you from Menthol! Paternalism is Alive and Well in the Democrat Party.

  7. I guess they better ban all alcoholic beverages, since it affects Native Americans so much more than normal Americans. That makes it racist, too. Right, Fauxcahontas?

  8. Three white Democrat senators walk into a bar.
    The bartender levels his 590 loaded with 00 buckshot and blows them away.

    That joke always makes me smile…. 🙂

  9. Sooo, Faux, baby, I’d like to see you walk up to ANY black dude on the street and try to separate him from his pack of KOOLS or NEWPORTS.

    BTW, is your life and health insurance paid up?!?

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