Elizabeth Warren Gets A Twitter Beat-Down After Claiming To ‘Believe In Science’ – IOTW Report

Elizabeth Warren Gets A Twitter Beat-Down After Claiming To ‘Believe In Science’

DC: Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts responded to President Donald Trump’s Thursday tweet, in which he questioned the concept of global warming, by announcing that she ‘believes in science’ — only to be questioned relentlessly on how exactly her scientific belief applies to issues like abortion or her supposed Native American ancestry.

Trump’s tweet, which seems to conflate weather and the broader environmental trends climate scientists attempt to model, reiterates his often repeated claim that international agreements designed to combat global warming, like the Paris accords, amount to a cynical attempt by foreign nations to drain U.S. resources. more here

9 Comments on Elizabeth Warren Gets A Twitter Beat-Down After Claiming To ‘Believe In Science’

  1. Comedy Gold !!

    Glenn_in_IL • 4 hours ago
    Upon seeing all the snarky Twitter replies to her comment, Sen. Warren started angrily stomping around the room in a circle.

    And then it started to rain.

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  2. “I belive in science.”

    That’s like saying “I believe in history.” Or, “I believe in math.” Or, “I believe in time.”

    I think what she really meant to say is “If you don’t agree with me I’m going to demonize you.”

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