Elizabeth Warren’s Finance Director Walks Away from ‘No Big Donors’ Campaign – IOTW Report

Elizabeth Warren’s Finance Director Walks Away from ‘No Big Donors’ Campaign


An aide to Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s (D-MA) presidential campaign said the candidate’s top financial adviser is stepping down, allegedly because of the senator’s decision to reject money from wealthy donors.

Michael Pratt is reportedly still involved with Warren’s campaign as a consultant but will eventually leave, CNN reports.

The aide told CNN Sunday morning that Pratt was “still a consultant but winding things down and transitioning out since we made the decision not to have (Warren) do high dollar events.”

News of the departure came at the close of the first quarter fundraising deadline. In the coming days, a more complete picture of the Warren campaign’s fundraising efforts is expected to come into focus. Her team has so far not released any early fundraising numbers, raising speculation that she is lagging behind her competitors.

The New York Times reported Sunday that Pratt resigned after a Valentine’s Day meeting in Washington that eventually “grew heated,” in which Pratt “noted that campaigns often collapse when they run out of money and pleaded with her not to cut off a significant cash stream.”

“He pointed out that winning over wealthy fund-raisers across the country helped build networks that could translate into political support, not just checks,” the report in the Times said. “But Mr. Pratt lost the argument to two of Ms. Warren’s closest advisers, Dan Geldon and Joe Rospars, who made the case about standing apart from the field and freeing up her schedule.”  more

8 Comments on Elizabeth Warren’s Finance Director Walks Away from ‘No Big Donors’ Campaign

  1. I always thought about the ‘big donor’ fund raising events as the same as the developers do for condos. They’re both selling something. And neither is going to do anything for you without being paid up front.

    Difference being, after you pay off the developer, they never come back asking for more money.

  2. This could be a clever 5 moves ahead chess playing. Lie-a-watha could be reading the tracks and knows that she won’t get the big money so instead of being spurned by the big donor class she has turned the tables on them and rejected them first.

    Or she is a fire cracker that got left out in the rain and the fuse burned but the powder is wet so… ffffmph, dud. Which is to say it could be she is an idealistic idiot who is going to flame out in an utterly unspectacular way. My money is on the latter.

  3. If she sticks with her pledge, she’s going to be gone. My guess is that the DNC already has a short list and if you’re not on it you won’t win. Much like Bernie/Hillary in 2016. The candidates know it, as well as if they’re on the list. Liz can’t drop out yet or she’d expose this. She’s staying in until it’s obvious and then she’ll drop out. Probably with a payout from the DNC.


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