emails reveal Huma dragged her feet on Weiner financial disclosure statements – Hillary covered for her – IOTW Report

emails reveal Huma dragged her feet on Weiner financial disclosure statements – Hillary covered for her


New emails show that Huma Abedin dodged disclosing financial information about her husband, disgraced congressman Anthony Weiner, as Hillary Clinton personally signed off on a special employment deal for her longtime aide.

‘I was waiting for you to provide additional information on your spouse’s assets,’ Taylor wrote in an email dated June 22, articulating, specifically, what types of information she needed.

Abedin, now vice chairwoman of Clinton’s 2016 campaign, was able to change gigs without disclosing the information. And, according to Judicial Watch, another email suggested that as of August 29, 2013, Abedin still hadn’t provided the required financial information.

 ‘These documents show the Huma Abedin received special treatment contrary to law and that Hillary Clinton personally approved a corrupt patronage position,’ said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.

‘These new documents are smoking gun evidence of what Hillary Clinton’s separate email server was all about – keeping secret the corruption of her and her top staff. What else is out there?’

The Clinton campaign spokesperson did not respond to a request for comment.

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12 Comments on emails reveal Huma dragged her feet on Weiner financial disclosure statements – Hillary covered for her

  1. Johnny Mac in 2012:

    “I know Huma to be an intelligent, upstanding, hard-working, and loyal servant of our country and our government, who has devoted countless days of her life to advancing the ideals of the nation she loves and looking after its most precious interests,” McCain, the GOP’s 2008 presidential nominee and a leading voice on defense and foreign policy, said in his floor speech.

    “Put simply, Huma represents what is best about America: the daughter of immigrants, who has risen to the highest levels of our government on the basis of her substantial personal merit and her abiding commitment to the American ideals that she embodies so fully,” McCain added.

  2. I often wonder what drives these traitorous sons of bitches to want to destroy this blessed land. There is only one remedy for this and it involves the judicious application of a length of strong rope.

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