Emails Show FBI Was Looking Into Wuhan Virus Lab at Outset of Pandemic – IOTW Report

Emails Show FBI Was Looking Into Wuhan Virus Lab at Outset of Pandemic

Newly revealed emails show that at the outset of the coronavirus pandemic the Federal Bureau of Investigation launched an inquiry into the Wuhan virus lab at the center of years of speculation regarding the virus’ origins.

The emails, obtained by government watchdog Judicial Watch and reported on by the Epoch Times, refer to “Grant Questions” and an “FBI Inquiry” regarding U.S. taxpayer money funneled to the Wuhan Institute of Virology prior to the pandemic. 

The majority of pages in the email chain are redacted, leaving the contents of the inquiry uncertain. 

The WIV has been at the center of longstanding speculation regarding its possible role in launching the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Dangerous “gain-of-function”-style experiments were known to take place there, with researchers reportedly altering and amplifying certain types of coronaviruses to assess their potential risk for infecting human beings. 

The lab has come under criticism for its reportedly lax biosecurity protocols. more here

15 Comments on Emails Show FBI Was Looking Into Wuhan Virus Lab at Outset of Pandemic

  1. The Big Guy says my virus my vaccines! FBI has no business with my 2nd bestest buds my Chink bros. I promise both Vlad & Chink bros will be lining my pockets soon.

  2. “They looked into it so they would know whut needed to be covered up!”


    Also there is a growing suspicion,as well as some circumstantial evidence, rogue elements of the governmentand the deep state unleashed covid as biowar on China and Iran. Everybody scoffed at China’s accusation of that attack two years ago, but what if it’s true? Sure, it’s a far-out conspiracy theory now, but give it time.

  3. Dear FBI,


    Sincerely yours, Aaron Burr. Who is so much better than you low SAT scoring state college drop outs.

  4. ^^^No dumbass, the FBI wanted the WuFlu to hurt him, so they dropped the investigation. Sheesh. BTW, pick a name so we don’t confuse you with all the other “Anonymous “

  5. I blame Rush. You people listened to that fat drug addict for so long you forgot how to make declarative statements. OR, even worse, every fucking statement is an apology or an excuse for the left because “it is what it is”.

    You fucking people make me sick. You’ve been psychologically brainwashed while getting stoked off verbally ALL WHILE YOUR COUNTRY IS BEING DESTROYED IN FRONT OF YOUR EYES.

    Look at this Tony shit. Does he go after the FBI? Does he mention anything about Biden? No. All he’s here for is to talk shit about a guy who hasn’t been in office for 19 months while excusing the FBI.

    You’re a fucking tool of the government Tony. And too fucking stupid to realize it. You’re only good for having your skull popped like a zit under the heel of my boot.

    Want more education? Where you at? I give personal lessons.

  6. Or MJ could ban for for a month or so. That would probably be for the best. I have no patience anymore and hate repeatedly bitch slapping clueless boomers. I don’t actually hate it….. it’s just ultimately pointless. I can slap my dick of reality across their collective faces all day long and it won’t matter because they’ll just go back to TV and mass media to sooth their tiny insignificant souls back into slumber.

    So yeah, don’t be a fucking political stooge and idiot and I wont have to spank your infantile ass.

  7. Shocked. Shocked I tell you, that they even looked at the “possibility” of a woo-han connection, since they were over overwhelmed on the forensic examination of hunter’s laptop. (Sarc off)


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