Emmett Till Memorial Sign Keeps Getting Shot Up – IOTW Report

Emmett Till Memorial Sign Keeps Getting Shot Up


There is an Interpretive Center and apparently eight memorial signs in and around Sumner, MS to mark the mob murder of teenager Emmett Till on August 28, 1955.  Only one of the signs marking where Till’s body was pulled from a river keeps getting shot up.  While there are fund raisers to keep replacing the sign, Interpretive Center officials are said to be seeking some type of bullet proof alternative.


I’m sure I’ll be labeled a racist for saying this, but perhaps the people of Sumner, MS don’t like to be constantly reminded of a 60 year old crime that took place in their community.  Perhaps they’ve gone a little too far with the memorials.  You can see other memorial signs in this tour created by the Interpretive Center.

24 Comments on Emmett Till Memorial Sign Keeps Getting Shot Up

  1. I would start looking at the local Democrat Headquarters. Perhaps the Democrats of Sumner, MS don’t like to be constantly reminded of a 60 year old crime that was perpetrated by Democrats.

  2. the grouping in the center is nice & tight; probably from a small-calibre Modern Sporting Rifle. But the other shots? Meh…

    All kidding aside, the idiots should change the type of memorial they have and drop the number down to the one where they pulled the victim’s body from the river. Shitcan the vertical-oriented monstrosity and go with a bronze plaque laying flat and low to the ground to make more shooting from a moving Subaru or Prius unproductive. Also, heavily mount it to the ground to prevent Democrat Party vandals from stealing it like they do with our elections.

  3. Living in rural MS myself, I have some insight: It is a sign. Signs are targets. Targets get shot at by rednecks riding 4 wheelers. It seems unlikely that a racial motive is behind this.

  4. Location, Location, Location.
    To a city slicker a sign is a plaque of some kind to provide information and/or instruction and they are necessary to their well being and survival.
    To country folk it is a target. That is all.

  5. Did the people of the area want all these signs and interpretive centers and people from the cities coming to their town looking down on them for being racist murders, or at least the grand children of racist murders?

    All the signs and interpretive pod cast death tours stuff has a strange sort of pilgrimage or signs of the cross kind of virtuous blessing being bestowed upon those that walk the scared path of St. Emmett of Till.

    I’m being overly sarcastic here, but if I lived in this community I’d be feed up with outsiders coming in and enhancing their self righteousness over a very old crime that doesn’t relate to anything anymore.

  6. What is it called when vandals shoot up all those deer crossing signs? Or any other sign throughout rural America? Do we need to invent another new nonsensical word? Maybe they’re “SignISTS”.
    Anyone involved with or who still remembers this whole thing is either long dead or too old to care anymore and unlikely to shoot up a stupid purple sign. Maybe BFH is right and the people of the community are tired of having a 60 year old event constantly shoved in their faces. From what I’ve read, the town turned their backs on the murderers, so it isn’t/wasn’t like they were treated like heroes. But it is just like the left to “spike the ball” when they can disparage or embarrass their enemies.
    Or maybe, just like almost everyone else has stated…SIGNS IN RURAL AMREICA ARE CONSIDERED TARGETS…regardless what is imprinted on them.

  7. I agree, the memorials, signs, all that stuff is like rubbing it in people’s faces. People that have nothing to do with it now. Lately, everything has to be overmemorialized and it cheapens everything.

    Anyway, when you put up a sign, it gets shot at and a hand full of people freak out and make a big deal of it, of course it’s going to get shot at every time you replace it. Crazy has met its match, now it has become a tradition. Shut up, play the game or go home. LOL.
    Stupid shit happens. In all neighborhoods of every color. If you stop hand wringing, they’ll get bored and go trash a different sign.

  8. ” Interpretive Center officials are said to be seeking some type of bullet proof alternative.”

    Yeah, waste your money on that instead of making school buses or police car windows bullet proof. Or God forbid you people actually use it for a tutoring program or food for poor people.


  9. They’ll probably end up with a federal grant to build some hulking, Stalinist monument with security cameras and a razorwire fence which closes at sundown.

    And seriously, what’s with the purple? Was that Emmett’s favorite color? Did the Omegas sponsor the memorial?

  10. @MJA That leads to a good point, where do the funds come from to operate the Interpretive Center? I would bet it gets Mississippi and / or federal money to operate and pay for it’s programs.

    If that is the case the officials at the center have a vested interest in promoting Emmett Tills horrible murder as well as the notion that racism is relevant in today’s Mississippi delta. It would be in their interest to wallow in the past and get as many people as possible to wallow with them.

    I see they have an e-mail address for contacting them. I’m going to see if I can get some kind of financial disclosure or at least general idea of the source of funds.

  11. Jesse Jackson, Revrum Al, and other White-guilting Liberals know that if you leave an old wound alone, eventually it will heal and be forgotten. Therefore it becomes necessary to keep ripping off the bandages and picking at the scab so that it will always be there, bleeding and swollen, for as long as there are profits and political gain to be had from it.

  12. He was not too bright trying to bait a reaction in the south back then. What did he think would happen . If I go up to Harlem and ask for a shoeshine do you think I could get a memorial for what the blacks would do to me?

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