EPA chief says Trump can’t revive fossil fuel industry: ‘Train has left the station’ – IOTW Report

EPA chief says Trump can’t revive fossil fuel industry: ‘Train has left the station’

WashingtonTimes: EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy on Monday said President-elect Donald Trump will fail in his efforts to revitalize America’s sagging coal industry and put fossil fuels back at the center of the nation’s energy portfolio, taunting an incoming administration that is primed to roll back some of her agency’s initiatives.

During a speech in Washington, Ms. McCarthy — who presided over President Obama’s ambitious plan to phase out fossil fuels and rein in greenhouse gas emissions — said the “train has left the station” with regard to America’s move toward clean energy.

She said she is confident that much of the Environmental Protection Agency’s work over the past eight years will stand the test of time and suggested that Mr. Trump will struggle to roll back initiatives such as the Clean Power Plan, which limits emissions from coal-fired power plants.  read more

36 Comments on EPA chief says Trump can’t revive fossil fuel industry: ‘Train has left the station’

  1. Maybe he’ll hang that toxic dump on you that flooded out of your mine on the Animas River in CO. After all, you took responsibility.

    I love how you government types take full responsibility but no one gets fired, no one gets fined, no one is punished but you take full responsibility. Yeah

    You had your day bitch and them dayz are over.

  2. Better late than never. Coal is part of the porfolio. What happens when the earth gives up delivering the volume of gas?

    All the gas turbines are putting a serious draw on supplies, even though we are told there is 100 years of gas in the ground, I dont believe it.

  3. vaGINA’s McCarthyite tactics will not stand the test of time.

    Clean Coal will come back once the per-barrel price of petroleum goes back up. Meanwhile, we’ll be shipping shiploads and shitloads of coal overseas to industrial countries that don’t give a fuck for McCarthy and Obama’s unrealistic jobs-killing anti-hydrocarbon regulations

    Once she is FIRED from her position at EPA, I guarantee some billions-funded Environmental Industry NGO like EDF Enviro Defense Fund or Pew or Sierra Club
    will give her a no-show six-figure salary cushy job.

  4. HWG Yes gas needs to be reserved for what it is particularly good for heating, primarily homes and some industrial applications. These gas turbine power plants are bullpizzle! We beat the hell out of coal. We can burn clean. With only CO2 as a remainder. We need coal, we need gas, we need petroleum, we do need alternates…like Thorium reactors. Not vast fields of photoelectric that last a few years, or wind farms that turn into EPA Super Fund sites. She will be gone.

  5. She’s just another air headed enviro-whacko moron who’ll be unemployed come January. Personally I hope some sort of financial crisis rocks her world and she loses everything she owns and ends up living in a homeless shelter just like she tried to do to half of West Virginia. Ignorant b itch1

  6. EPA needs a Marine Corps haircut. Save no more than 5% of those worthless drones. Put the savings into defense or use it to pay down the debt. For you thinkers out there, look up METHANE HYDRATE. It’s frozen methane. Massive deposits just laying on the ocean floor all over the world. More energy in methane hydrate than all the world’s known natural gas, coal, and oil combined.

  7. Saw an article several days ago that one of the biggest oil deposits in history has just been struck in Texas, and now we have mega resources in Colorado – but the dems would rather have us bound to moslems/people who want our demise for our resources. Why are these people so determined to commit national/western civilization suicide?

  8. I’ve made a career out of burning coal. I’ll laugh my ass off BIG time (it’s a big ass) when the loss of base and cycling load coal-fired generators comes back to bite this country on the rear in the forms of grid collapse and rolling blackouts. And you’ll know EXACTLY on who to hang the blame (hint – it ain’t me).

    This is the end of an era. Too bad it’s not for the better.

  9. The fucking progressive movement (including both Democrats and establishment Republicans) is in full panic that their allies in the middle east will not have the funding to continue to wage war on middle America if we can produce our own energy. That is what this is all about.

  10. America was once self sufficient with no need of others. Now we get just about everything from other countries. Why?? We have the oil in the ground and ocean. We have a lot of natural gas ( and even some from the left farters ) We cut down trees for building but we also replant for new growth. But if there is an owl or skunk in the area-forget cutting any trees. I don’t like to admit it, but I was a hippie long ago before hippies were even born. Now I hate tree huggers and lets save the planet people. We got oil-dig and drill for it-put in a pipeline and screw the Indians-they lost the war. Put people to work and stop buying from china-and the rest of the world. Hell, if Trump is going to put up a wall-put it up all around the USA and let other countries come to us as it was long ago.
    Get the hell out of my country and wallow in your own countries dung.. have a nice day all 🙂

  11. These petrophobes need to walk it like they talk it. Get rid of everything in their life that isn’t a product of petroleum. No computers, no cell phones, no plastics of any kind.

    If they were truly as informed, as they pretend to be when making these grand statements, they wouldn’t make it at all.

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