Equip Schools with Taser Drones? – IOTW Report

Equip Schools with Taser Drones?

Zero Hedge

“Now is the time to make this technology a reality,” said Axon chief executive and founder Rick Smith, “and to begin a robust public discussion around how to ethically introduce nonlethal drones into schools.”

Smith said the drones and surveillance system are “part of a long-term plan to stop mass shootings” and claimed it could “remotely deploy non-lethal drones capable of incapacitating an active shooter in less than 60 seconds, More

20 Comments on Equip Schools with Taser Drones?

  1. Good God you idiots.

    We had schools in this country for a couple hundred years before the Democrats took over, no problem. Those evil bastards have made them dangerous indoctrination centers and nothing more.

    Take it back to the very local schoolhouse run by the parents, or do it yourself at home.

    Mass schooling is just something else Democrats have ruined. It’s unsalvageable.

  2. The Fact that Libtards resist defensive weapons on school grounds just SCREAMS, we’re only interested in the headlines, fuck your kids. When it comes down to it, what keeps communists awake at night is being shot by a Patriot, or group of them, with an AR 15. So be kind, shoot them with a bolt gun a 1,000 yards out. Stupid fucks.

  3. Arm the kids! Teach gun safety as soon as they are old enough to hold a gun.

    Until then, lawn darts, BB guns, sling shots, or piles of rocks! Let’s see how bullying goes then.

  4. Equip schools with 9mm AR15s, with high capacity magazines. The Democrats assure us that the sonsabitches act on their own, at least the black ones do, and word on the street is the 9mm will blow the lungs clean out of a man.

  5. “Did he fire eight shots or only seven?” Well to tell you the truth in all this excitement I kinda lost track myself. But being this is a Hi-Point C9, the most jammiest handgun in the world and would blow your lungs clean out if it cycles at all, you’ve gotta ask yourself one question: “Do I feel lucky?” Well, do ya, punk?”
    -Dirty Harry 2022

  6. What’s with this “active” shooter bullshit?
    WTF is a “passive” shooter? A guy sitting home minding his own business?
    Does it just sound kooler? Fuckin morons – illiterate fukkin morons.

    Like “tactical” knife. Anyone ever heard of a “strategic” knife?

    I guess the barking and clapping seals bark and clap louder if the Media add stupid bullshit adjectives to their nonsensical propaganda scribblings.

    Sort of similar to “assault” weapons – as opposed to what? “Defensive” weapons? And how are they any different? The AR, the AK, and the SKS can be used in either role. And from what I’ve read, M-1 Garands were used in both roles, as well – both assault troops and guards.

    I think they misuse words to enflame and/or deceive.

    Of course, they could just be STUPID.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. I hear ya, Tim -FJB.
    The one that gets under my skin the quickest is the term “High capacity magazine” attached to 20-30 round magazines.
    A 20-30 round magazine is standard capacity. High capacity is 75-150+ rounds, and the little 10 round mini-magazines are just little 10 round mini-magazines.

  8. @Tim – FJB June 5, 2022 at 7:04 am

    > What’s with this “active” shooter bullshit?

    An “active” shooter, is one that pulled his pants up, and boots on. As opposed to typing on teh interwebz with one hand, while stroking his big, black, gun with the other.

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