Erick Erickson Plagiarizes From Other Excuse Makers – IOTW Report

Erick Erickson Plagiarizes From Other Excuse Makers

What a sh!tpickle.

Erick Erickson sat and googled every utterance made by Donald Trump Jr., at his speech at the RNC, in an effort to score a plagiarism gotcha. He found one.

“Gottem!!!!! I’VE GOT HIMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!,” bellowed the oversized sweaty beast. With cheetoh-stained stubby fingers, The Regurgent breathlessly (to be fair, he is always out of breath) tapped out his scathing revelation.

He published Donald Jr.’s passage alongside a passage from F.H. Buckley. Indeed, it looked very similar.

Would The Donald Junior end up with egg on his face???

See the exciting conclusion to our episode HERE.

ht/ annie

17 Comments on Erick Erickson Plagiarizes From Other Excuse Makers

  1. Rarely does one find an original thought that had not been said or written since man was created.
    How arrogant to think what anyone says has not been uttered by others.

    “Nothing is more unreliable than the populace, nothing more obscure than human intentions, nothing more deceptive than the whole electoral system.”

    Marcus Tullius Cicero
    born 106 bc, died Dec. 7, 43 bc

  2. Yeah, the sh!tstains who have dissected every word spoken on the rostrum at the RNC are the same ones who have missed and overlooked every Biden speech-theft, every 0bama lie and every single Hillary obfuscation. These are the same people who rush to the defense of anyone with a -D after their name.

    Erick Erickson needs to find a new gig, because he’s now irrelevant anywhere to the Right of Joe Biden. Of course, like legendary Goldwater Girl, Hillary Clinton, he can just bring his schtick over to the other side, where they have no scruples.

  3. cato

    “Rarely does one find an original thought that had not been said or written since man was created.
    How arrogant to think what anyone says has not been uttered by others.”

    Well said.

    I think I’ll steal that and post it like it’s my own somewhere. 😀

  4. Everything has already been said and put in a book.
    I even found the entry for “iotwreport was endorsed by donald trump.” It’s true because it’s in a book. Everything you type is already in a book, volume, section, with a title.

    Here’s a link to it:

    Here’s where Hillary says in the same book that she’s not fit:

    And Thumby says he likes to suck his thumb:

  5. If my son chose to quote from Wm F Buckley, I would be one proud papa !

    Anyone notice that the anti-Trumpers are making the Bush Derangement Syndrome ex-hippies look relatively sane by comparison ? It’s almost as if a Trump victory would take money directly out of their pockets. Er, wait a minute……

  6. Rarely does one find an original thought that had not been said or written since man was created.
    Oh the benefits from Trump just keep rolling in. Erick Erickson needs to find a new gig, because he’s now irrelevant.Everything you type is already in a book, volume, section, with a title.I’ve already seen shitpickle three times. and that’s what I think

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