Ethanol bill defeated in Senate – IOTW Report

Ethanol bill defeated in Senate


In a major defeat for the ethanol industry, senators of both parties joined forces late last week to sink a controversial bill that would’ve allowed gasoline with 15 percent ethanol to be sold year-round.

The measure had become a flash point on Capitol Hill, dividing both Republicans and Democrats — with senators from ethanol-producing states supporting the bill — while also uniting diverse groups in opposition, such as environmentalists, boaters and motorcyclists. The legislation also represented a key opportunity for the ethanol sector, as the expansion of E15 sales would’ve been a financial boon and, to at least some degree, a marketplace defeat for the oil industry.


17 Comments on Ethanol bill defeated in Senate

  1. ethanol. Typical gov program. Takes money from us, subsidizes big money investors, produces product that is worse than original, forces us to buy it. Tells us we save money, f-ers. My mileages drops 20% w/ethanol, gagging while following an ethanol fuel car/pickup up a hill.

    except i have a choice. We burn cornfree fuels. I dont think it costs a penny more either. And i can put my thumb in the eye of 2 senators, a congresswoman, and all the fat cat bastards that force this on us. Put the corn in stomachs, not gas tanks.

  2. Get rid of it, nothing but a big payoff scam. All of those corn farms are ran by big coops and the money is shipped out of state.

    Shit like this is what bankrupted small town corn farmers.

  3. Awesome need to stop ethanol production in full. We should be using soil and water resources to grow food for local consumption!! Not for commodities for fuel, or export. End the corn/soybean subsidized overproduction stupidity

  4. I don’t care how much ethanol they put in gas as long as I have an ethanol-free alternative, i.e, E-0, i.e., REAL gas — at a competitive price. Give people a choice between polluted gas and real gas and real gas wins every time.

  5. After being in an accident a couple of months ago, I had to find a new to me Jeep.
    The one I got is a flex fuel.
    In the owner’s manual it says you can use gas with an 87 or higher octane or ethanol. Than it goes on to say that if you do use ethanol, your mileage will be terrible.
    This ethanol crap is just another case of the government doing something because it looks good, not because it is good.

  6. Man that stuff do ruin engines and adds to planned obsolescence. Cars, small engines, tractors it destroys them all as well as the lowered mpg. Congress finally did something half-right.

  7. Corn is also one of those crops that depletes the soil of nutrients quickly, so more & stronger commercial fertilizers end up being used.
    Maybe we can convert some corn fields to rice paddies, since President Trump has acquired for US a piece of the biggest rice market in he world?

  8. Ethanol, especially 15% is disastrous to a car engine. !0% is bad, too, it decreases your MPG. I’m shocked the Donald Trump has come out in favor of “straight” gasoline.

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