Even With Notes, Biden Is Still Confused and Incoherent – IOTW Report

Even With Notes, Biden Is Still Confused and Incoherent

Howie Carr at Boston Herald

Only 16 days to the first presidential debate, and Dementia Joe Biden is resting up this weekend after a hard week of hitting the road, Jack.

Only one problem for Joe: Whenever he ventures outside his basement, he often loses stuff — his mind, his train of thought or at least his notes.

All dialogue guaranteed verbatim:

“I carry with me — I don’t have it. I gave it, I gave it to my staff. I carry it with me in my pocket a — do I have that around anyone? Where’s my staff? I gave it away anyway …” More

19 Comments on Even With Notes, Biden Is Still Confused and Incoherent

  1. The fix is in so it doesn’t matter. His spokesman wouldn’t answer the question about whether Joe uses the teleprompter to answer questions. Of course he does
    And he will during debates.

    This is a joke man

  2. “And he will during debates. ”

    This is assuming Trump doesn’t sneak a hot one, an unscripted and unanticipated one, to him during the debate process.

    In any event, I wonder how many people are actually paying attention and noticing it, or caring about it if they do?

  3. When asked about COVID –
    “I carry with me — I don’t have it. I gave it, I gave it to my staff. I carry it with me in my pocket a — do I have that around anyone? Where’s my staff? I gave it away anyway …”
    He’s got my vote!
    Spread it baby, c’mon for all of us.

  4. Dementia Joe won’t make it to the debate. He’ll be “exposed” to the China Flu, and need to be quarantined. Now, he may agree to a Zoom debate, in which case he will have handlers, an ear piece, a teleprompter, or what ever is necessary to enable him to give a bare bones answer.

    Or, he will be too “sick” to participate. This “illness” will go on for several weeks, prompting him to drop out of the race. I don’t know how the constitution or whatever dictates the rules for the presidential election require this to be resolved. But if there is ANY way that the DNC can replace the Joe/Ho ticket, they will put up the Hitlery/Obumphuk ticket as the replacement. Kameleon will just get a pat on the head and cabinet position if they win.

  5. Joe is rumored to be taking this drug to off set his dementia….one of the many problems with this drug is incontenence. He will likely be wearing a catheter (like Hillary) and depends or he will piss and shit himself in an hour long debate….check out these side effects….Could ANYONE want him to be the leader of the free world???? and they can’t hide it much longer…https://www.webmd.com/drugs/2/drug-77936/namenda-oral/details

  6. Dementia Joe seems to be catching on. It’s more accurate than Sleepy Joe, but it will probably not be picked up nationally until after the first debate. Only 50 days until November 3rd.

    Loved the description of the reporters as stenographers with press passes.

  7. I been thinkin’, yeah I know that’s a dangerous thing to be doing, but I’m wondering why the Democrats really want Biden on their ticket?

    I know there’s all kinds of puppet and step down after elected sorts of reasons, but I’m wondering if there’s something more covert to it, something well hidden and not at all obvious as a larger strategy to accomplish something they want to spring on us?

  8. “They will cut and paste someone else’s lips onto Joe face.”

    Look into what can be done with the Deep Fake video technology.

    Never trust anything where there is no in person live audience to view him in person, not on a screen, and multiple sources of recordings of it.

    Remember “Running Man” and how the police pilot was framed, also remember this was set in 2019 (IIRC) which is when that technology started taking off.

  9. Dems are running Joe because he is a known among the “old” democrats.
    They want the votes from the older generation that still puts stock in the media as they did during the Cronkite days.


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