Every day is Memorial Day at Dover Air Force Base – IOTW Report

Every day is Memorial Day at Dover Air Force Base

The first stop back on U.S. soil for American service members killed overseas is Dover Air Force Base in Delaware. It’s where their families wait, where VIPs gather and where the honor guard is called. 

It’s at this site where members of the Air Force mortuary affairs team have the solemn task of preparing the remains of America’s war dead for burial. Every day is Memorial Day here.

“There’s not another mission exactly like it in the military,” said Maj. Matthew Knight, senior chaplain at Dover.

“We get to bring home our fallen with honor, and we get to keep America’s promise. We want to ensure, whenever our fallen come through here, that they and their loved ones are shown dignity and respect.”

Sgt. First Class Crystal Seymore is an Army liaison officer for the families of the fallen and is based out of Dover. Her task is to provide comfort and care for all families during their brief stay during the dignified transfer. 

The coffins carrying fallen service members are always wrapped in the American flag, and an honor guard escorts them off the plane. The deceased’s family is usually waiting on the tarmac.  more

4 Comments on Every day is Memorial Day at Dover Air Force Base

  1. “Taking Chance”, Kevin Bacon, 2009.
    Bring a couple of boxes of kleenix. You’ll use ’em all.
    ‘Nuff said.

  2. Ditto on “Taking Chance”, a superlative film;


    I’ve been hearing good things about Top Gun Maverick, apparently, it hits all the right “patriotism” notes. Boy, do we need that right now.

    On weekends I referee junior tennis events. Yesterday I was talking to the kid that runs the front desk, he is about 22 years old. We were talking about the French Open and I was telling him about my past travels to France and a most enjoyable tour I took about 10 years back walking all the beaches of Normandy, Carrentin, Saint-Lo, and Caen. I asked him about the Longest Day, and for sure he has seen that movie, “No”, he said. Surely he has seen “Band of Brothers”, nope. I asked him if he knew who Stephen Ambrose was, and again, a blank stared “No”. I wanted to take him out to the parking lot and beat his worthless ass.

    Our history is dying within a generation too lazy to study and revere it. Instances of bravery, self-sacrifice, and honor, all thrown on the trash heap by a new crop of Americans who do not value such antiquated notions.

  3. I agree, President Elect & Rich Taylor, Taking Chance is the first thing I thought of when reading this post. A beautiful and heart-wrenching movie. Kevin Bacon is superb. As mentioned, an excessive amount of Kleenex is required.


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