Ex-Twitter Safety Chief Says Hunter Biden Laptop Suppression Was an “Oopsie” – IOTW Report

Ex-Twitter Safety Chief Says Hunter Biden Laptop Suppression Was an “Oopsie”


The former head of trust and safety at Twitter recently admitted that the social media company’s decision to censor the Hunter Biden laptop story in 2020 was a “mistake.”

During a sit down with journalist Kara Swisher, ex-Twitter safety chief Yoel Roth said that despite concerns about the authenticity of the laptop story, it still did not reach a point where he wanted to remove the content — which was later censored anyway. Initial reporting suggested that Roth blocked user access from the October 2020 story, but the former Twitter division lead said the decision was not up to him. 

“We didn’t know what to believe, we didn’t know what was true, there was smoke — and ultimately for me, it didn’t reach a place where I was comfortable removing this content from Twitter,” Roth said. “But it set off every single one of my finely tuned APT28 hack and leak campaign alarm bells.”



12 Comments on Ex-Twitter Safety Chief Says Hunter Biden Laptop Suppression Was an “Oopsie”

  1. Establishment Government writes the narratives (lies and half truths) provides it to the news media and social media who spew falsehoods to manipulate and sway the opinions of Americans.

    Elections, sexual perversion, anti-Christian, anti-patriot, anti-family, anti-gun, anti-life, promoting racism, pro-immigration, crating white extremism are some of the narratives to influence and control the opinions public.

  2. Funny how they all want redemption when they’re found out, eh?
    Redemption should begin with FU.
    You were smart enough to get a degree or two… you were smart enough to know what you were doing… probably too smart, so Fuck You Smart Ass and the Leftist you rode in on!

  3. “Oopsie”? “Mistake”?
    Oh, FUCK to the no!
    Hiding the Hunter Biden laptop and its perversions was a deliberate criminal act. Deserving of a court trial, a guilty verdict, and a long prison sentence.
    And if the (in)justice system doesn’t want to deal with the Biden criminal family properly, well……

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