Exhausted Republican Voters Should Be More Skeptical Of RFK Jr. – IOTW Report

Exhausted Republican Voters Should Be More Skeptical Of RFK Jr.

The longtime liberal Democrat is an environmental activist who must placate his party’s radical left-wing base to beat out Biden.

Federalist: His announcement speech focused on achieving cultural renewal and American togetherness by fighting against things like the “corporate captive” media and government. In ways, RFK Jr. sounded more like a government-skeptical Republican than a leftist, identity politics-obsessed Democrat.

But he’s still a liberal Democrat. His previous stances should give burned-out GOP voters pause before they throw their support behind a dissident voice who can seemingly talk the talk so well.  more

26 Comments on Exhausted Republican Voters Should Be More Skeptical Of RFK Jr.

  1. He’s not a fan of the 2nd Amendment and has previously commented on globull warming skeptics and wished they could be prosecuted.

    “Those guys are doing the Koch Brothers bidding and are against all the evidence of the rational mind, saying global warming does not exit. They are contemptible human beings. I wish there were a law you could punish them with. I don’t think there is a law that you can punish those politicians under.” RFK Jr.

  2. Thank you. MJA. I said this a few times here. As much as I like what he says about vaccines, he still has the leftist attitude that facts don’t matter (climate change especially).

  3. …..”before they throw their support behind a dissident voice who can seemingly talk the talk so well”

    I never did think he could “talk so well”.

  4. ANYONE who believes in man Made Global Warming or climate change and wants those who do not thrown in jail is a FASCIST and is not eligible to hold office anywhere but in Nazi Germany!

  5. He’s all about complaining about how the Bill of Rights was suspended during Covid. But that pesky 2nd Amendment, well, not so much.

    A typical progressive, disguised as something more palatable.

  6. He’s a friggin Kennedy, nuff said. No more Kennedys, Bushes, Obama’s, Romneys, gutless weenie RINO’s like the turtle etc. Haven’t they already all done enough damage to destroy the country. I don’ trust any of them, not a single damn one of them.

  7. If you want a member of the political class, you know, those that have been sticking it our asses and breaking it off for seemingly forever, then vote for anyone other than Trump.

    It’s that simple.

  8. He used to be on the staff of John Morgan, the fat alcoholic ambulance chaser who constantly advertises his law firm. So did Charlie Flipflop Crist.

    Only Kennedy I’d support is the Republican Senator from Louisiana. He has a way with words.

  9. News flash we want Your boy to run! Oh yeah! 3 time rapist loser. Please oh please do it, do it NOW! 81, next time it will be even more bitches. And we love it!

  10. What else can you say about the Kennedys?
    “Ask not…”

    One became president, one attorney general, both assassinated.
    Lee Harv & Sirhan-squared somehow gained access?
    One coward lived off the teat of taxpayers for decades.
    Mary Jo saved the world from his presidency.
    A storm & light aircraft saved America from another mistake with John-John.
    Arnold married a gaunt stick-figure Kennedy, only to cheat on her with the fat, non-English speaking hired help who sneaked across the border.

    Now the current Kennedy du jour wants us to praise him for his vax stance, but please ignore the reality that he wants you to eat bugs…

  11. Never trust a democrat. Even those who pretend to be moderates. There is no moderate democrat. The party of JFK is dead, and it didn’t last long for them to get back to their racist, fascist/communist hybrid roots.
    He is not a 2nd Amendment supporter, and is a friend of radicals like Farrakhan.
    Some are really thinking of supporting him, some even went to suggest we should vote for him.
    Sorry, not voting for any democrat. I’d sit home or vote for a brick wall instead.

  12. I can think of two other lifetime Democrats that turned out pretty well: Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump. But, then again, I would choose a lump of dogshit over Joe Biden, so….


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