Expert Delivers Bad News To #BlackLivesMatter Activists On Live TV – IOTW Report

Expert Delivers Bad News To #BlackLivesMatter Activists On Live TV

[…]Martinelli started his comments with a pointed question for the panel. “Does it trouble anybody here that the people that are the most vocal — the President of the United States, the former Attorney General Eric Holder, Al Sharpton — couldn’t even pass a basic police officer background exam? Doesn’t that bother anybody?” he asked. “Doesn’t it bother you that these false narratives that this group is based upon, forensically are incorrect and have been proven to be inaccurate?” MORE

9 Comments on Expert Delivers Bad News To #BlackLivesMatter Activists On Live TV

  1. Being ignorant and willingly obtuse is no longer a societal barrier.

    These folks don’t understand, they are the modern Uncle Toms.
    Instead of Plantation, it’s called Progressive now.

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