American Thinker: The final report from Oversight on the COVID-19 pandemic has been released, and and it is clear that the government’s handling of the crisis was a failure on nearly every front. Not only did government officials repeatedly mislead Americans about the origin of the virus and U.S. funding of gain-of-function research, but the various mandates, and the failure to adopt early interventions such as hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin likely caused hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths.
The investigation “exposed high-level corruption in America’s public health system.” However, the report falls short in its examination of the risks associated with the experimental COVID-19 mRNA vaccines.
Whereas many of the report’s conclusions appear valid, one claim is demonstrably absurd. Buried in the 520-page document is the assertion that the COVID-19 vaccine “undoubtedly saved millions of lives by diminishing the likelihood of severe disease and death.” This statement is unsupported by evidence in the report itself. more
ur lying gubmint ****** assholes
“Government Failed Americans”
LOL, what a gigantic understatement…..
They destroyed the institution of medicine, crippled or killed millions, visited cancer on the elderly, killed babies in the womb, caused God knows how many developmental issues in children, lost people their jobs, their homes, and their famililies, and are STILL mandating the systematic poisioning of children to this day to attend manditory government indoctrination facilities, all for power and profit.
It was never about a virus.
May God damn them all to hell.
And may we one day soon be able to expedite their trip to there.
Failed implies a goal that is contrary to what their clear and obvious goals were.
MSM failed to question our governments failures and worked hand in hand with the government to silence anyone who did have any questions that should have been asked and answered. Instead the untrained hosts just echoed our governments bad advice and misinformation our government without question. People suffered, and died by the thousands and MSM just helped them to their graves. And they still do till this day.
a copy of this report alongside a shiny, glitter coated, 24″ tall blinking lighted, ‘I TOLD YOU SO’ will be given to at least 18 people I know. I plan to also offer them the choice of a suppository option in the shape of a combat boot.
SNS spot on! I’ll remain a pureblood and listen to that voice telling you don’t do it. My dr admitted it didn’t work.
The gol damn gummit failed at getting caught.
“Failed” my ass!
We killed millions!
Ironically, the government proved that the only thing they are truly good at is killing people.
ru ******* faster than lead?
Been following this guy for sometime now. Sometimes it’s easier to watch something than to try and read and understand over five hundred pages. Twenty-five minutes that makes the understanding and anger much more significant. They’ve silenced and censored him a few times so I’m not sure how long the link will remain.
I’m at the point I can’t total or expound on the body count of family, friends and/or acquaintances.
The truly frightening thing is we’ve only just begun to experience the toll that will be extracted!
May those responsible suffer a high degree of karma/justice!