False Positive DNA-Tech Testing Lead to Abortions – IOTW Report

False Positive DNA-Tech Testing Lead to Abortions

National Pulse; An examination by the New York Times has found that 85 percent of prenatal blood tests for rare chromosomal disorders provided false positive results to expectant mothers. On average, only 15 out of every 85 tests came back with accurate information on their child’s genetic make-up, potentially leading many mothers to abort perfectly healthy children. more

13 Comments on False Positive DNA-Tech Testing Lead to Abortions

  1. I’ve never been in the position to make that decision but I feel fairly confident I’d have kept my pregnancies if they had come back with possible defects. May God bless, today and always, the tireless parents that care daily for their children with profound struggles, their reward will be great

  2. “It’s a feature; not a bug.”

    Nihilists hate life – this allows them to murder infants under the cover of “science” and with the consent of the “mothers.”

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. The NYT is going against the liberal narrative here, which is to kill as many potential polluters as possible before they have a chance to create any carbon.

    The Times will probably get a smack upside the head for this sacrilege. If I had a subscription to the rag, I’d be reading the letters to the editor over the next few days.

  4. When my Mother found out she was pregnant with me she was 41. In those days it was common for women that age to give birth to children with birth defects and Down Syndrome.
    She told told my Aunt before she told my father. My Aunt suggested my Mother get an abortion and volunteered to take her to Florida where she knew of a doctor who would perform it.
    Being a devout Catholic my mother immediately declined her offer.
    Thank God my Mother loved me enough even in her first weeks of pregnancy to not go through with such a horrible act.
    My Mother never told me that story. My Aunt fessed up to it to me while she was drunk at a party. It was quite a sobering experience. Until then I had no opinion on abortion. After recognizing my life balanced on my Mother’s decision to protect me when an easy option was available I immediately became adamantly PRO LIFE!

  5. Jethro
    JANUARY 9, 2022 AT 6:12 PM
    “When my Mother found out she was pregnant with me she was 41. In those days it was common for women that age to give birth to children with birth defects and Down Syndrome.”

    That is STILL an issue with mature women. My niece had her son when she was 40, and got a Down’s child despite no such hx on either side.
    She also got one of the sweetest, most loving, happiest kids you’ll ever find, the only child she is likely to ever have and treasured by parents and family alike.

    I have a niece on my wife’s side that has Down’s too.

    She’s 25 years old, lives independently despite poor vision, cooks for herself, cleans for herself, and makes her owm arrangements to get to her regular job in a regular store that she’s held for years

    A person’s worth is not in their appearance nor their intellect.

    And you have no idea who that person will grow up to be, what they will do, or how many lives they will touch based on gloomy predictions of medical pessimists, modern medical charlatans with financial or political motivations using tests that rate little higher than alchemy in terms of scientific accuracy.

    Only God knows what things the children He sends into this world are destined for.

    Maybe don’t kill them before His purpose for them is revealed.

  6. Matthew 7:16-20
    King James Version
    16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?

    17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.

    18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.

    19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.

    20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

  7. When a movement, such as the progressive movement has a record that establishes, when they get their way and are able to implement their agenda, the documented history is clear that the ultimate result is increased innocent human suffering, misery and death. Any one who is on that side, or concedes good intentions to them and allows them to proceed unopposed is complicit. Good intentions is not an option, that ship sailed well before the end of the last century.

    They are what they are and their continued adherence to a worldview that has a documented record of increasing innocent human suffering, misery and death each and every time it’s followers have achieved critical mass and been able to implement their agenda makes it clear what they are. What they are is actively hostile to The Good and dedicated to seeking the approval of the Prince of Darkness.

    There is no other logical conclusion.

  8. Once I turned 35 My OB required me to get my babies tested at a maternal fetal specialist. Great ultrasounds but I refused a lot of the tests. Could not get me out of there fast enough when I noticed that the building was less than a block from the Planned parenthood center where we would pray during 40 Days for Life. I wondered how many people went from one building to another. Sad.

  9. I talked a young couple that I knew 25 years ago out of pursuing an abortion due to fetal testing that “showed” the child would have Down’s Syndrome. I said-we have patients who have children with Down’s. Are they undeserving of life? Are they unhappy and unloved? That 25 year old is killing it in a great job with a great life. He doesn’t have Down’s, but their choice saved him.
    His name is Jacob.


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