Far-left activists, students storm state house to demand more gun control in Tennessee – IOTW Report

Far-left activists, students storm state house to demand more gun control in Tennessee

PM: “We’re here because we still believe that we can make change. We can. It’s a tough state, I get it,” said organizer Maryam Abolfazli, to local news outlet WKRN.

The Republican-majority Legislature gathered at the Capitol on Thursday to start the legislative session for the first time since the shooting. Protestors stormed the building and filled the hallways while chanting slogans. 

Demonstrators took over both indoor and outdoor spaces, video shows.

The Senate chamber gallery was filled with protesters, including children holding signs with the age of the victims of the recent attack.  more

16 Comments on Far-left activists, students storm state house to demand more gun control in Tennessee

  1. Ha!! I know 3 families who sold their houses, packed up and left California because of gun laws, taxes, gays. They headed to Tennessee. Looks like they’re getting what they left behind. They understand now when I say: wherever you go there you are. Oh, and they have a big time tranny problem in TN.

  2. legacy media et al. seem to be more sympathetic towards the “trans community” than those murdered by the frankenstein they built with the nonstop gender garbage

    biteme’s 1st black gay spokesbabe: “Our hearts go out to the trans community, as they are under attack right now.”

    the transpsycho’s are off the chain and warning of more violence if you won’t let them turn your kids into vile, deviant, deranged burdens on society

  3. What ultimately stopped that young woman (yes, she was a woman) from killing more people with her guns?

    It wasn’t a sign declaring the school a gun-free zone. It wasn’t gun control legislation.

    It was a good guy with a gun.

    The only form of gun control that will save lives is a two-handed grip with isosceles stance.

  4. Far Left my aching ass. They are not even close to the demarcation point at which anyone in the progressive/Marxist/Satanist movement disowns them or even considers their views to be repugnant.

    Of course there will be some who claim to not support them, but to trust any of that as sincere demands a leap of faith that is way too far for me to even consider as rational.

  5. “Tranny on meds kills Christian kids with gun in gunfree school”

    “now trannys are under asttack”

    “take guns from law abiding citizems who are not on meds”

    “same ole song and dance my friends”


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