Fashion Brand, Lululemon, Fires Employee Over ‘Bat Fried Rice’ Shirt – IOTW Report

Fashion Brand, Lululemon, Fires Employee Over ‘Bat Fried Rice’ Shirt

NY Times-

The white, long-sleeve T-shirt was retailing for $60.

The title: “Bat Fried Rice.”

It featured a small red image of chopsticks with bat wings on the front, and a larger design of a Chinese rice box with bat wings and the words “No Thank You” written on it on the back. “No Thank You” also appeared on the right sleeve.

Soon after Trevor Fleming, an art director for Lululemon Athletica, posted a link to the T-shirt in the bio section of his personal Instagram account, waves of online condemnation followed, and he was fired by the Canadian athletic apparel company. By a Reuters count, more than 1,000 comments were left on Lululemon’s official Instagram account criticizing the company for Mr. Fleming’s post.

“Should I burn all my lululemon now?,” one asked. “As a brand, you should be well aware of the people you hire because they in fact represent your organization,” read another.

In replies to the comments, the company was quick to say the T-shirt was not one of its products.

“We apologize that an employee was affiliated with promoting an offensive T-shirt, and we take this very seriously,” it said. “The image and the post were inappropriate and inexcusable. We acted immediately, and the person involved is no longer an employee of Lululemon.”

The World Health Organization has said that the evidence shows the coronavirus may have originated in bats. Scientists believe it may have jumped from bats to another animal in a wet market in Wuhan and then infected humans.

The episode was the latest in a long line of racist tropes and attacks against Asians since the coronavirus emerged in the Chinese city of Wuhan.


If you want to see the offenders groveling and begging forgiveness because of their insensitivity and stupidness, read the rest at the horseshit NY Slimes HERE

ht/ marco

12 Comments on Fashion Brand, Lululemon, Fires Employee Over ‘Bat Fried Rice’ Shirt

  1. I just can’t understand why the New York Times has a problem with anyone attempting to find some humor in the ChiComvirus. All those Bat Soup Slurping Communist Chinese must be laughing their faces off right now. They’ve practically destroyed all their enemies’ economies, and their enemies won’t pull out of this financial catastrophe for a decade or more. The T shirt was merely a friendly reminder to “avoid foods containing this nocturnal beast.” Is our sense of humor going to be another victim of the Wuhan Bat Virus?

  2. Apparently The founder of the company joked that the name of the company was chosen because he wanted to make sure that it wouldn’t be taken over because RuRuRemon was hard to pronounce. It was subsequently sold for many hundreds of millions to guess who.

  3. Freedom of speech is the bulwark of all freedom. A t-shirt? May be inappropriate for work, but one does wonder if it were a che guevara shirt, would it cause the same upset? One of my favorite shirts says THNIK.
    Easy to discern who the cowards and chain enjoying folks are these days. Why are the “journalists” so afraid of truth and prefer the fog of perception propaganda provides?
    We were taught as children that only despots & dictators don’t want honest feedback meaning the truth. What sort of tyrant doesn’t have a sense of humor? All of them. They’re cowards.

  4. 60 bucks for a “T” shirt? Good idea, but crummy execution for the design; BFH can do better than that. How about it BFH…bet Cryptofashion would print and sell it!


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