44 Comments on Fat Ass Protests In Front of Trump Tower
I’m no moslim Fat Boy so fuck off.
It must be poring stupid there-what a shitbag attention whore.
Progs have no shame because they have no conscience.
Morbidly obese men are self-loathing.
We are looking basically at a hate-filled psychopath.
Good work BFH. You should put your logo on it.
That horrible man is so big and so wide he would be hard to miss.
Well in all fariness, Moore is as evil as a Muslim.
So, where was he when so called Christians were shooting up abortion clinics in the name of their god?
Well, if he is a Moslem, he gives us a nice big target.
Eating lots and lots of donuts at the nearest bakery shop.
Well, well….if it isn’t the fatwa fat wad!
Can you believe he was in seminary to become a Catholic priest?
How huge must that sign be that we can’t see him behind it…?
What a damn jackass he is!
I bet that is his favorite building to climb…
Its a new diet regime: Mmmm. U. Slim. All you have to do is stop eating pork products and drinking alcohol, exercise by kneeling towards a rock in saudi and doing some burpees. Extra weight loss can be had by wearing the “diet vest” just wait until you are in a big crowd of infidels and press the button, INSTANTLY you are 200lbs lighter and have attracted a crowd of 72 virgins because you are so M.U. Slim!
Yep, his vapidity is pretty much the standard for the Catholic clergy anymore.
someone should fix him up with one of the obese
black lives matter hippos ..
It’s not prayer 5x a day – it’s burpees!
I’d like to see him in a turbin and white robe thingy. He’d look like the Stay Puff Marshmallow Man!
The important thing in Demosleaze SJW politics is not to defend your country, but to defeat your fellow countrymen, even if (or especially if) that involves selling your birth Nation out to murderous, invading beserkers.
I thought we were all Trayvon and Charlie Hebdo?
It’s so hard to keep up these days…
Just follow him to the nearest NYC gay bath house – white robe & towel wrapped turban – et voila!
It would be poetic justice if some jihadist cut his head off.
Just put a goat in front of him to see if he really means it!
Looks like he is in the perfect spot for Trump to open a penthouse window and piss on his corpulent noggin.
someone just do a drive by and take out Jabba, he has earned it.
Why was he defrocked? sucking on too many weenies in the dorms?
Even Omar the Tentress could not get enough material to cover that whale…just spray paint that bloated carcus in red and white…circular, target shaped…
Speak for yourself, dickhead. I am NOT a member of a twisted, savage cult that worships a pedophile and seeks to behead normal people.
Moore is the whore of Babylon…so many are his bastard offspring that a family reunion is like open house at the UN….causes c’e’lebres de jour he uses as a diet control….aww snap!…fails…. how does he keep his jowls off the floor when he shits?
Here’s a pic of the very dignified and self-righteous Mr Moore scratching and resting on a gigantic red cushion. Be thankful that pics don’t transmit odor.
I’m no moslim Fat Boy so fuck off.
It must be poring stupid there-what a shitbag attention whore.
Progs have no shame because they have no conscience.
Morbidly obese men are self-loathing.
We are looking basically at a hate-filled psychopath.
Good work BFH. You should put your logo on it.
That horrible man is so big and so wide he would be hard to miss.
Well in all fariness, Moore is as evil as a Muslim.
So, where was he when so called Christians were shooting up abortion clinics in the name of their god?
Well, if he is a Moslem, he gives us a nice big target.
Eating lots and lots of donuts at the nearest bakery shop.
Well, well….if it isn’t the fatwa fat wad!
Can you believe he was in seminary to become a Catholic priest?
How huge must that sign be that we can’t see him behind it…?
What a damn jackass he is!
I bet that is his favorite building to climb…
Its a new diet regime: Mmmm. U. Slim. All you have to do is stop eating pork products and drinking alcohol, exercise by kneeling towards a rock in saudi and doing some burpees. Extra weight loss can be had by wearing the “diet vest” just wait until you are in a big crowd of infidels and press the button, INSTANTLY you are 200lbs lighter and have attracted a crowd of 72 virgins because you are so M.U. Slim!
Yep, his vapidity is pretty much the standard for the Catholic clergy anymore.
someone should fix him up with one of the obese
black lives matter hippos ..
It’s not prayer 5x a day – it’s burpees!
I’d like to see him in a turbin and white robe thingy. He’d look like the Stay Puff Marshmallow Man!
The important thing in Demosleaze SJW politics is not to defend your country, but to defeat your fellow countrymen, even if (or especially if) that involves selling your birth Nation out to murderous, invading beserkers.
I thought we were all Trayvon and Charlie Hebdo?
It’s so hard to keep up these days…
Just follow him to the nearest NYC gay bath house – white robe & towel wrapped turban – et voila!
It would be poetic justice if some jihadist cut his head off.
Just put a goat in front of him to see if he really means it!
Looks like he is in the perfect spot for Trump to open a penthouse window and piss on his corpulent noggin.
someone just do a drive by and take out Jabba, he has earned it.
Why was he defrocked? sucking on too many weenies in the dorms?
Even Omar the Tentress could not get enough material to cover that whale…just spray paint that bloated carcus in red and white…circular, target shaped…
Speak for yourself, dickhead. I am NOT a member of a twisted, savage cult that worships a pedophile and seeks to behead normal people.
Moore is the whore of Babylon…so many are his bastard offspring that a family reunion is like open house at the UN….causes c’e’lebres de jour he uses as a diet control….aww snap!…fails…. how does he keep his jowls off the floor when he shits?
Here’s a pic of the very dignified and self-righteous Mr Moore scratching and resting on a gigantic red cushion. Be thankful that pics don’t transmit odor.
He went there, knowing it was safe for him,
since the muzzies don’t touch fat pigs.
Well I see Jabba makes an appearance appropriately at the same time as the release of the new Star Wars
I was just thinking if he showed up at a jihadi training camp they’d soon be giving him the Deliverance Ned Beatty treatment.
They’d have him squealing like a pig, ah , er ,Bah, Baahhhing, like a goat.
Joe Stalin, too, wasn’t he?
They don’t simply reject God, they embrace Satan.
Has he put up any Syrian “refugees” in his lavish lake home yet like he said he would???
Good. Deport that fat fuck, too.
Do you know how much damage he’ll do to your car?
Ain’t no Burka Wide enough……….Motown tune.
I got it – Ain’t no valley low enough, ain’t no river wide enough….
Back when white folk could do legitimate blue-eyed soul, i.e. Dusty Springfield, Righteous Brothers etc
“We Leftists are all Muslim enablers.”
you can’t see what he’s protesting if he’s blocking the view of the building
I wonder if they make suicide vests in his size.
He had his teeth done in England and he goes to Cuba for his heart and STD problems..
great thinkin’ mate .. ha ha
When the Syrians whom he wants to put up in his mansion first see him they are going to say, “We’re gonna need a bigger bomb.”