Fauci’s Closet – IOTW Report

Fauci’s Closet

Today, @COVIDSelect released the transcript from Dr. Anthony Fauci’s two-day, 14-hour transcribed interview. On Monday, Dr. Fauci will testify publicly for the first time since retirement. Key takeaways from his closed-door testimony:

15 Comments on Fauci’s Closet

  1. At Monday’s public hearing, make him testify about remdesivir and the rest of the murderous hospital protocols.

    Then arrest him and charge him with some -real- felonies.

  2. He is the modern day Mengele with a soothe talking voice just like Pence and Obama. He needs to have a death bed confession while piano wire is strung around his neck on the gallows. I’ll Kick out the stool he’s standing on…….

  3. To all congressional republicans: Now that the American people are on to our sternly worded letters, we will hold select subcommittee hearings as a means to fool them again.

  4. ^^^ Anonymous [to continue]
    My daughter had a miscarriage, my son-in-law developed myocarditis and blood clots because they were mandated for the jab. My neighbor died after Fauci’s protocol. I lost my job because I refused the jab and after 3 years, my old company called and begged me to come back to work. I told them I wanted full medical compensation and back pay for every day I was out of work.
    I said NO ONE was going to be my boss and they agreed. They also agreed to back pay but had to ask HR about medical reimbursement. I now have my family in the FLCCC Alliance for recovery. I doubt my old company will accept my terms… No worry, I went to work for their competitor and as far as I am concerned the old company can go to hell.

  5. Who is asking the softball questions?
    Appears both the questioner and Fauci are dancing around the critical issues. Fauci testimony; I don’t recall, I don’t know, it’s a possibility, I’m not sure and I am not certain.

    Obviously Fauci’s memory and testimony mirrors Hillary Clinton’s testimony about the Benghazi Fiasco. Clear as mud.

  6. Fauci’s retirement funding from the clot shots is blood money.
    My father got the shots and got pneumonia and myocarditis and was dead in a few months, an uncle had a heart attack and has nerve damage 3 other relatives got one shot and were sick for months.
    He won’t be indictedfor anything.
    They’ll do what they always do.
    Have a hearing, yell at him and send him home to recline by the pool.

  7. Follow the money.
    “Fuci’s net worth has increased significantly over the years, with estimates ranging from $3 million in 2000 to $120 million in 2024.”

  8. Part of his questioning should be to play video of him saying what they claim he said, then ask him, “Did you say that?”

    Let’s see him try to say that the man in the video wasn’t him!

    Or vice versa, ask him the question and when he says, “I don’t remember,” then play the video.


  9. This lying cocksucking gnomish piece of shit visited stokes, miscarriages, chest pains and sudden death on my co-workers whose only crime was wanting to work and trusting the government. This fucker wrecked the medical profession, retarted childrens development, destroyed employers, created a society terrified of every other human, and crowed about his ever-increasingly absurd demands for isolating people from each other to the point that they were wearing face shields in public, then has the unmitigated gall to lie about what we all saw him do right to our faces.

    This evil little Napolionic gollum killed my own mother and many others like her with his turbo cancer concoction that he promoted as a way to counteract his own unleased weaponized virus.

    Youll not find any forgiveness or forgetfullness or understanding here, you goddamned pipsqueak. If I have to chase you to hell by going there myself, I will see you answer for your crimes.

    Every damned day I go to work not knowing if I will be called upon to preserve a life long enough to get an ambulace thanks to you.

    And every night I wonder which relative we will be told of a new cancer gestating in when my wife’s phone rings, like her aunt and her mother are already dealing with thanks to you.

    And always I am short on sleep for I have nether time nor trust to have my own orthopedic and muscular infirmaties addresses, the reward for a lifetime of physical and dangerous work. With every step on the on the increasingly painful knee. that your policies delayed treatment for from the fear you generated of the hospitals being filled with the victims of your disease, I curse your name.

    I hate you and your kind so much that its cost me my salvation, you bastard, as I cannot forgive or set aside the thoughts of vengeance in the heart I almost poisoned at your bidding, and thats the cruelest blow of all.

    But it does do one thing for me.

    It makes it so I can say this.

    See you in hell, Fauchi.

    See you in hell.


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