FBI Didn’t Notice Clinton Emails MARKED Classified, Wanted To Shut Down Probe Before Others Did – IOTW Report

FBI Didn’t Notice Clinton Emails MARKED Classified, Wanted To Shut Down Probe Before Others Did

Daily Caller:  The FBI didn’t flag that some emails from Hillary Clinton’s private email server were marked classified with a “(C)” when they were sent — something that seemingly would have been one of the first and most obvious checks in an investigation, and one that FBI agents instantly recognized put the facts at odds with Clinton’s public statements.

The Intelligence Community Inspector General noticed it after the FBI missed it, texts between FBI agent Peter Strzok and his mistress, FBI lawyer Lisa Page, reveal. “Holy cow,” Strzok wrote, “if the FBI missed this, what else was missed?”

“Remind me to tell you to flag for Andy [redacted] emails we (actually ICIG) found that have portion marks (C) on a couple of paras. DoJ was Very Concerned about this,” he wrote.

“Found on the 30k [emails] provided to State originally. No one noticed. It cuts against ‘I never sent or received anything marked classified,’” he wrote, referring to statements by Clinton downplaying the danger of her email practices.

Much of the more in-depth investigation considered whether Clinton and her aides emailed materials that were classified but were not marked as such, a harder determination to make.  read more

11 Comments on FBI Didn’t Notice Clinton Emails MARKED Classified, Wanted To Shut Down Probe Before Others Did

  1. “The FBI didn’t flag that some emails from Hillary Clinton’s private email server were marked classified with a “(C)” when they were sent …”

    Next suicidal jerk that opines that the FBI is SO professional and SO competent is getting a 2×4 in the mouth!

  2. lol, I love the image, hadn’t caught that one before. How many times has Drudge heisted it?

    Googl “what is heisted”
    v. past tense. steal
    “he heisted a Pontiac”

    lol, googl is racis and drudge is a thief.

    PONTIAC – poor old nagro thinks it’s a caddy.

  3. I am convinced now more than ever that there is a virtual 4th branch of government consisting of an unelected, non-constitutal cabal of high ranking DoD, CIA, NSA, DHS, FBI, DoJ, & State Dept. officials who form a star chamber and decide amongst themselves who is beholden to the law and who gets to do whatever the fuck they want.

    What is proven here is that what Hillary and her cohorts did was 100x worse than what General Patraeaus was convicted for, and she was openly and egregiously allowed to skate on it right out in the open for everyone to see and Congress and DoJ didn’t do jack motherfucking shit about it. Trump is being hounded for something that everybody knows is complete bullshit, especially the people screaming the loudest that firing a lying sack of shit FBI director is “obstruction of justice”.

    What going on is the stuff that revolutions are made of. These motherfuckers want to turn us into a totalitarian state. And there is literally nothing legitimate nor truthful in anything the democrats say now. And over half the GOP are no better.

  4. Mule, it isn’t a branch of government, it IS the government. “Bureaucracy” doesn’t just mean having a bunch of faceless administrators, it means being ruled by them.

    People have long demanded term limits for elected officials, but maybe what we really need is term limits for government employment of ANY kind.
    That might be hard to do, but clearly a lot of them need to be got rid of one way or another. Throwing a bunch of them in federal PMITA prison might be another approach.

    Rule by and for the people isn’t just a good idea, it’s the law.

  5. @Zhytamyr February 7, 2018 at 8:57 pm

    “This will continue until bureaucrats are too afraid for their safety to return to work.”

    This will continue until bureaucrats are too afraid for their safety to return home.


  6. @TheMule February 8, 2018 at 12:08 am

    “I am convinced now more than ever that there is a virtual 4th branch of government consisting of an unelected, non-constitutal cabal of high ranking DoD, CIA, NSA, DHS, FBI, DoJ, & State Dept. officials who form a star chamber and decide amongst themselves who is beholden to the law and who gets to do whatever the fuck they want.”

    Almost. You don’t stand in line at The Club, to be invited in when you’ve got enough seniority. You’re a member of the club, who gets to sit in a reserved box for the show.

  7. @The Deplorable TWP February 8, 2018 at 9:30 am

    “That might be hard to do”

    That will always be hard to bribe them to do. When they decide they’ve been bribed enough. But simple removal. That’s less than US$1 per argument.

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