FBI ‘entrapped’ alleged Whitmer kidnapping plotters: defense – IOTW Report

FBI ‘entrapped’ alleged Whitmer kidnapping plotters: defense

PM: The five men accused of planning to kidnap Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer said on Wednesday that the charges should be dropped, on account of the plot being driven by FBI informants.

The men said that the charges stem from government misconduct, and that it the informants who entrapped the men. They say that the informants used their anger of Whitmer as a tool, and that there was never any actual plan to kidnap the governor.

“The government picked what it knew would be a sensational charge: conspiracy to kidnap the governor,” the attorneys wrote, reports MLive.

“When the government was faced with evidence showing that the defendants had no interest in a kidnapping plot, it refused to accept failure and continued to push its plan. Eventually, the government initiated this case, despite the fact that it knew there was no plan to kidnap, no operational plan, and no details about how a kidnapping would occur or what would happen afterward.” more

13 Comments on FBI ‘entrapped’ alleged Whitmer kidnapping plotters: defense

  1. As Trey Gowdy like to repeat often: I see a fact pattern with the FBI. The IRS got away with it. The FBI got away with it. The two most powerful agencies in the U.S. are completely corrupt.

  2. I still believe that wHitler herself, was much more deeply involved in this than what they will say.
    I heard that dumb c*nt say the other day,in a presser, concerning our roads,that from day one she has been focused like a laser on repairing them.
    I know a couple of collapsed bridges and massive potholes that beg to differ.

  3. The guys shouldn’t have let themselves be duped into such nonsense.
    They musta been drunk.
    What they actually DID was NOTHING.

    “You can’t get a Nobel Prize for Attempted Chemistry!”
    (cartoon character)

    Develop a scenario. Entice Dupes into the scenario. Bust the Dupes.
    Both the GESTAPO and NKVD were masters of this game.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Tim – FJB DECEMBER 29, 2021 AT 6:10 AM
    “You can’t get a Nobel Prize for Attempted Chemistry!”
    (cartoon character)

    …no, but I know someone that you know who received the Nobel Prize for attempted Presidency and in my estimation it was a participation trophy!

  5. JDHasty
    DECEMBER 29, 2021 AT 12:54 AM
    ‘If this is proven then everyone involved, top to bottom, should serve out the maximum sentence any of these individuals were facing. Justice demands that.”

    I’ll get right on that.

    After I investigate YOU and everyone ELSE who says anything negative against our Government for insurrection.

    You’ll be brought in for questioning shortly.

    Don’t make any plans for next year.

  6. @aleon December 29, 2021 at 10:10 am

    > Might I just mention “Russia collusion”?

    Mention away. Nobody was “duped” by Russian Collusion(TM). Everybody who repeated the Official Word(TM), knew it was a lie. Everybody else knows the Official Word(TM) is always a lie.

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