FBI reportedly investigating New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo office’s hiring practices – IOTW Report

FBI reportedly investigating New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo office’s hiring practices

FOX: According to the Albany Times-Union, senior staffers who were hired to work for the governor were allegedly listed and being paid by other state agencies, which would make the Democrat’s staff and budget look smaller than it really was.

The administration received a subpoena for documents months ago and is cooperating, Cuomo spokesman Rich Azzopardi said, adding that other New York governors, presidents from both political parties and even the U.S. Department of Justice have all used similar staffing methods going back decades.

“In this environment, anyone can ask about anything,” Azzopardi said. “Given that the federal Department of Justice and the White House have a long history of utilizing this practice, perhaps the FBI can investigate them when this charade is over.”

Azzopardi claimed the process was lawful and noted that all agencies whose payrolls were being used to pay staffers were within the executive branch.

The Times-Union reported a few employees who work for Cuomo’s office were interviewed by FBI agents. The media outlet wrote the practice was “particularly widespread” and Cuomo’s father, Mario Cuomo who was the governor of New York from 1983 to 1994, used the same tactic.  read more 

5 Comments on FBI reportedly investigating New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo office’s hiring practices

  1. Drain the swamp.
    Locally we finally got a decent Republican guy to win the County Chairmanship run by Democrats for decades.
    He gets in there to reveal that all the departments were staffed with golfing and softball buddies of the old guy. That the floods of several neighborhoods could have been avoided if the Flood Control Agency had competent people the would just get the big pumps repaired or replaced. That there were dozens of staffers with no skills and no real work. Etc.

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