FBI Seized Smashed Hard Drives From Wasserman Schultz IT Aide’s Home – IOTW Report

FBI Seized Smashed Hard Drives From Wasserman Schultz IT Aide’s Home

DC: FBI agents seized smashed computer hard drives from the home of Florida Democratic Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s information technology (IT) administrator, according to an individual who was interviewed by Bureau investigators in the case and a high level congressional source.

Pakistani-born Imran Awan, long-time right-hand IT aide to the former Democratic National Committee (DNC) Chairwoman, has since desperately tried to get the hard drives back, the individual told The Daily Caller News Foundation’s Investigative Group.

The congressional source, speaking on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the probe, confirmed that the FBI has joined what Politico previously described as a Capitol Police criminal probe into “serious, potentially illegal, violations on the House IT network” by Imran and three of his relatives, who had access to the emails and files of the more than two dozen House Democrats who employed them on a part-time basis.

Capitol Police have also seized computer equipment tied to the Florida lawmaker.  more here

19 Comments on FBI Seized Smashed Hard Drives From Wasserman Schultz IT Aide’s Home

  1. If the FBI had not been politicized by the Obama/Clinton Democrats (including nutjob Comey), this whole investigation into this Pakistani-born Imran Awan and his jihad family would have rightfully taken place about a year ago.
    President Trump – Please continue draining this swamp.

  2. No more dam greasy filthy 3rd world Pakis,
    Somalis,Muzzloids and street shitters in
    this country please.How friggin’ stupid
    is little Debbie DO-DO? Voice changer on
    your own cell phone stupid…

  3. Can the smashed hard drives be salvaged for information? If not, then this story is a naked hot dog. Whose going to end up murdered next is the big question.

  4. I am beginning to suspect that DWS is going to be in some serious legal trouble here.

    Her frantic need to retrieve her laptop (that was found hidden in an empty office) leads me to suspect there is evidence on there that she knows could hurt her.

  5. If the drive platters are intact, the information can usually be recovered.

    There are companies that specialize in doing this.

    I wouldn’t be surprised if the streetshitter IT ‘pro’ didn’t know this.

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