The FBI will give you 5 grand to help find this guy who committed the HEINOUS HEINOUS and GRAVE GRAVE act of Tom Foolery Knobbery – wrapping bacon on a mosque door handle.
We must step up efforts to stamp out the Hate Crime Misdemeanor!
LOL!!! They’ll charge him with 1 lb of Delicious Intent.
Unless it’s one of “them” doing it to themselves, as seems to be the case lately. Then they’ll let the other muslims kill him over it.
Looks like Montel Williams? No?
Hiks name is I. M. Sus!
Ooops!!! I was tyxping with my eyes closed!!!
It should read:
His name is I. M. Sus
(Sus is the Latin word for pig!)
Now everybody understands it!
If I did….I wouldn’t tell
Hey! Isn’t that Abdul the Redneck impersonator?
His name is John Galt, and he is all of us – hiding in plain sight.
The pig deserved better than to have his remains come in contact with a filthy muzzy door handle but if it honks off Abdul then so be it.
If it is a crime, it is a crime of Love, otherwise these cultist heathens will surely enter hell and experience unspeakable tortures, never to enter Heaven and serve the only true God.
Pray they get saved by Jesus, thanks to this guy.
I can appreciate and approve of the FBI giving this guy a $5000 reward. Very forward thinking for the FBI.
Wasting good bacon should be a crime!
But that looks like Bill Ayers, to me.
Just send the 5 grand to iOTWR – they’ll see that I get it …
Just as the the President wants a data base on all gun owners I believe there should be DNA based data on bacon. Lets all do our part to help our Federal overlords by sending bacon direct to them or your local FBI office.
Next, a tax of 200% on all bacon and bacon related products. As well as liability to anyone that makes implements that are used in the production or use of bacon. Including but not limited to spatulas, frying pans, outdoor grills and smokers.
Further list to be established at the discretion of the Secretary of whatever, so long as it bypasses the congress and the will of the people.
At first it looked like my brother. On 2nd look I do believe it’s Elvis and he was simply looking for banana and peanut butter for his sammie.
Almost forgot isn’t Friday the 80th birthday?
Allahu Fubar Pisslamists and screw the Federal Bumbling Instigators
On 3rd look it’s obviously Jonah Goldberg.
OFF WITH HIS HEAD! (Alice In Wonderland)
Wow, talk about speed! The FBI will come down on a suspected Muzzie insult (and post a taxpayer reward) faster than the Secret Service agents can find a brothel in Bolivia and faster than the Obamas can vacation on your money and faster than congress critters can sup with their favorite lobbyists!
I don’t know him. I wish I did. I’d offer him another pound of bacon to do it again, and “watch his back” while taking out the surveillance cameras.
on 12/4/15 – “Attorney General Loretta Lynch said Thursday she stands with the Muslim community.
Lynch warned that the Justice Department could take aggressive action against people whose anti-Muslim rhetoric “edges towards violence.”
Speaking at Muslim Advocate’s 10th anniversary dinner, Lynch said since the terrorist attacks in Paris last month, she is increasingly concerned with the “incredibly disturbing rise of anti-Muslim rhetoric … that fear is my greatest fear.”
I changed up my delivery, so that’s no me. You have to first cook the bacon and eat it. Then take the drippings and load an air cannon. Grease the whole entryway with one 150 psi shot. Follow it up with a fully loaded blast to the ground in front of the door.
On that pie chart of hate crimes….Does that 14% of crimes against muslims include all of the hoaxes they commit against themselves? I bet it does, and their actual hate crime portion of the pie is more like 2%.
Nope and if I did I wouldn’t tell a sole. One thing though, it was a waste of good eaten bacon. He should be jailed for that offense. I hope it was that Bar S brand – that’s not considered bacon IMHO.
The FBI…acting almost as fast as an intended SWATting on a conservative citizen.
Yeah, that’s me. Where do I claim the $5000?
The FBI has time and money to waste on this nonsense, really?
After San Bernardino all we heard was how the FBI was understaffed and spread too thin to handle terrorists. I guess bacon joksters get priority over mass killers of the Pisslamic persuasion.
I DID IT!!! I am Sparti…. er… uh… the Bacon Bandit.
Guess they finished up the investigations into the Clinton Foundation treasons, the Benghazi treasons, the WMD running into Syria and Mali, the “Secret Server” questions, the “Fast and Furious” gunrunning to mexican drug cartels, the murders by the DOJ in Waco, TX, the Ruby Ridge incident, the IRS scandal, the hijacking of Malaysian Airline Flt. 370, …
I would consider killing each other over some 1400 yr old argument over who gets to lead the cult ( sunni vs shite) the ultimate hate crime. the only crime committed here is that that bacon was not consumed at breakfast or lunch or dinner.
When bacon is outlawed, only outlaws will have Bacon Bits®…
More than four times as many attacks on Jews and synagogues, and the FiBbIes have to make that ONE muzzie mosque greasing a priority.
Some people and their organizations. . .. .
(sighs, walks away, shakes head)
I needs to find me my local mosque. . . .. just sayin’. . . .