FBI Turned Simple Search Warrant into a Waco Style Assault – IOTW Report

FBI Turned Simple Search Warrant into a Waco Style Assault

On Wednesday the FBI executed 75-year-old Craig Robertson or Provo, Utah. They had a search warrant sworn out on Robertson for posting threats on social media. Robertson was nearly an invalid depending on a cane to walk. Here

According to neighbors, the FBI rolled in to Robertson’s neighborhood looking for a fight. Here

Statement by the Robertson family. Here

25 Comments on FBI Turned Simple Search Warrant into a Waco Style Assault

  1. Brad, I absolutely agree. Also, all these states legalizing Marijuana is a trap. Pot smokers aren’t allowed to own guns per federal law. That’s why you can’t buy without state issued ID. It’s a trap that the feds could choose to utilize.

  2. “What would things been like [in Russia] if during periods of mass arrests people had not simply sat there, paling with terror at every bang on the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but understood they had nothing to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people?”
    Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

    Are there lessons to be learned from history? It only took them 70 some odd years to throw off the yoke. I wonder how we will faire?


  3. We can expect more of these tactics from our own government. We are rapidly moving toward complete tyranny. It’s difficult to believe that we find ourselves in this situation. Being old isn’t so bad after all. Not much time left to have to endure this shit. I pity the young and what’s in store for them.

  4. They say they’ve had him under surveillance, then they should have known he was morbidly obese and could barely walk. So why the battering ram, flash bangs, breaking out windows? Between 6 and 6:30 in the morning, he may very well had been asleep and woke up to banging on the door and window smashing. If at that point he had a gun, well so would anyone.

    Yeah, the bastards are letting us know they will come for us as well, they’ve charged a former President with bullshit crimes, they murder an old fat man because he made threats to the POS in D.C.
    I saw many threats to Trump, I don’t even like him but I saw many threats towards W, hell I even saw threats to Obama.

    It’s decades past time to abolish the FBI.

  5. Nonny, that was a very well written piece of fiction. I somehow missed it back then.

    That scenario is extremely probable.

    In company with almost all nations, America has won victory in none of the insurgency wars it has adventured into. With sole exception of its first… before it was yet a nation. Prevailing against the world’s leading power, who’d serially refused the legitimate address of grievances and blatantly abused government levers against them. 1775, that powder keg’s fuse ignited at Concord and Lexington, with the British attempt to confiscate Colonists’ arms and arrest the outspoken among them!


  6. Dont worry. Someone will take “full responsibility” right. She took full responsibility fo burning some 20 children at Waco, right?

    So did she ever get burned at the state for what she brought about? Cause thats what taking FULL responsibility would mean

    So what did happen? Oh, everybody shitlib of a leftard in DC praised her for her “courage” That must have been painful.

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