FDIC Chair Suddenly Decides He Needs to Spend More Time with the Family – IOTW Report

FDIC Chair Suddenly Decides He Needs to Spend More Time with the Family


Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Chair Martin Gruenberg announced Monday that he will resign after a recent probe found a widespread culture of sexual harassment and discrimination at the independent agency.

“In light of recent events, I am prepared to step down from my responsibilities once a successor is confirmed,” Gruenberg said in a statement. “Until that time, I will continue to fulfill my responsibilities as Chairman of the FDIC, including the transformation of the FDIC’s workplace culture.” More

9 Comments on FDIC Chair Suddenly Decides He Needs to Spend More Time with the Family

  1. He’s resigning over allegations of sexual harassment, discrimination and being an all-around a*hole of a boss, but he’s still going to working on changing the “culture” at the FDIC with his remaining time.

    Yeah, hit the skids there, buddy.


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