Fearful House Dems Initiate a “Stop Project 2025” Task Force – IOTW Report

Fearful House Dems Initiate a “Stop Project 2025” Task Force


Warning about the far-right Project 2025 agenda for a Donald Trump White House, a group of House Democrats has launched a task force to start fighting the proposal and stop it from taking hold if the Republican former president returns to power.

Democratic Rep. Jared Huffman of California is unveiling The Stop Project 2025 Task Force on Tuesday, the latest sign that congressional Democrats and outside groups are treating Trump’s campaign seriously in the expected rematch against Democratic President Joe Biden this fall.

“The stakes just couldn’t be higher,” Huffman told The Associated Press. More

14 Comments on Fearful House Dems Initiate a “Stop Project 2025” Task Force

  1. What, more lawfare? I wonder if they’re working with the turncoat Johnson…

    Well, I pretty much know they’re working with him, but I’m sick of turncoats.

  2. I want to meet Jared Huffman face to face so he can tell me why he’s trying to take my right to vote for my preferred candidate away. In fact he’s Cali Rep. I’m going to email him that request.

  3. There is no such thing as a “Project 2025 Agenda”.. not coming from the right, anyway. If there is a “Project 2025 Agenda”, it’s either a leftist fabrication to raise money and panic their base, or an FBI entrapment scheme.

  4. I found Jared Huffman Gov webb sight and found “e mail me”. I clicked it. A banner comes up. “Zip Code Required”. I typed in the first three of my zip code and my exact address popped up. Is this some sort of intimidation thing? I really want to meet this pussy. I’d love to debate him.

  5. They really thought all the lawfare would turn people off of Trump.
    See? Libidiots.
    If and when they sentence Trump to prison for non-crimes he’ll be unstoppable.

  6. ““The stakes just couldn’t be higher,” Huffman told The Associated Press.”… people make these breathless statements but never explain why…

  7. Brad, re: your comment about your address popping right up, are you using a VPN?
    Everyone here should be, for your own safety.

    Be careful out there my brothers and sisters.

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