Fed Up Chicago Residents Chant ‘Go Red!’ and ‘No More Blue, No Matter Who’ at City Council Meeting – IOTW Report

Fed Up Chicago Residents Chant ‘Go Red!’ and ‘No More Blue, No Matter Who’ at City Council Meeting

A resounding message, “Go Red… No More Blue, No Matter Who!” has become the battle cry of frustrated Chicagoans facing neglect from long-standing Democratic leadership.

This outcry is a culmination of pent-up grievances, particularly exacerbated by the Biden regime’s open border policy to illegal immigrants.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that two Chicago Aldermen, Anthony Napolitano (41st) and Anthony Beale (9th), have cosponsored a resolution that would add a referendum to the March 2024 primary ballot asking voters if Chicago should continue to keep its sanctuary city designation.

Chicago has spent over $100M to care for the illegals arriving in the city thanks to Joe Biden’s open border.

Despite the millions in taxpayer dollars, the city remains so overwhelmed that migrants are being housed in police stations and turning O’Hare airport into a dangerous, filthy, and unsanitary encampment. more here

9 Comments on Fed Up Chicago Residents Chant ‘Go Red!’ and ‘No More Blue, No Matter Who’ at City Council Meeting

  1. There’s a handy lake nearby…how they choose to use it is up to the public.

    Exactly where in the Illinois constitution or city charter, do the progtards get the authority to reallocate the facilities, much less the monies (can we say budget and authorization? Yes, we can.). At the current moment this fiscal mismanagement appears to hinge on the “let Uncle pay for it”; aka “Obama gonna’ pay for it out of his stash” mentality.

    Seems some city “leadership” needs to take up jail space.

  2. “asking voters if Chicago should continue to keep its sanctuary city designation.”

    WTF, they never voted for it in the first friggin place!

    As per Chicago going red… lol, no. 7 more years it’ll be a cool 100 years since there was a republican mayor. It’ll be another 100 years. The brainwashing continues. So much easier to fill heads with fake and gay feelz than it is to educate them on facts…. and I don’t see education improving, rather the opposite.

  3. Too late dumbshitz, yer city’s fucked and YOU helped!
    You couldn’t see past the end of yer nose years ago when it mattered cuz YOU were obsessed with sucking on that big, fat, federal tit!

  4. I have NO PROBLEM with liberals living under their own rules.

    Ship in ALL of the illegals to New York and Chicago. Watching them suffer and whine about their “non-racist” policies they now deem as unfair and racist to themselves is pure gold!

    We told you BEFORE the crisis happened what would happened, should have listened to us years ago.

  5. Yeah and people that moved to Florida are getting a rude awakening. Skyhigh realestate, skyhigh homeowners insurance skyhigh cost of living thru the roof. That along with the nutjobs is enough to make people pack up & go back home.
    In Chicago the only thing being tossed into Lake Michigan will be fanatical MAGAots. Democratic stronghold, mofos.

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