Feds pay researcher to have bee sting his penis – IOTW Report

Feds pay researcher to have bee sting his penis

Taxpayers also fund studies of drunk birds songs,


* Congresswoman Rosa De Lauro (D).

femininity of Democrats in Congress.

WaTimes: Taxpayers paid for one scientist to have a bee sting his penis, and paid other researchers to figure out that cheerleaders look more attractive in a group than individually, according to a painful new survey of wasteful spending being released Tuesday by Sen. Jeff Flake.  more

*If anyone is interested in a wallpaper size of that Rosa De Lauro photo…

24 Comments on Feds pay researcher to have bee sting his penis

  1. That has to be the ugliest female I have ever seen in the whole wide
    world of sports or anything. Just imagine that sitting across the breakfast table in the morning? I thought Mr. Pelosi needed sympathy, but if there’s a Mr. De Lauro, I hope the poor bastard is blind

  2. Stick my naked pee pee it in De Lauro or a bee’s nest for a million dollars.

    I’m thinking, I’m thinking!

    I’m thinking about how I am not allergic to honey bees so some temporary pain is what we’re talking about with the bees but my chances of catching something I can’t get rid of with her seem pretty close to 100%

    Bees. Definitely the bees.

    Besides, It would never be hard enough to do the job if I had to look at her, so it just wouldn’t happen and I’d be out the money.

  3. Which restroom does ‘she’ use?

    What the hell, she sucks enough money from the taxpayer, you’d think she could do better than trash bin clothes or at least have them cleaned and pressed.

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