Feds Try To Weasel Out of Steinle Wrongful Death Lawsuit – IOTW Report

Feds Try To Weasel Out of Steinle Wrongful Death Lawsuit


Kate Steinle was shoot on Pier 14 in San Francisco by illegal alien criminal Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez last summer.  The weapon used was stolen out of the car of a BLM agent.  Sanchez goes on trial in February.

Meanwhile, the Steinle family is suing the city and various agencies of the Federal government.  There was a preliminary hearing Friday where the various government entities involved asked the family to drop the lawsuit. The  federal government sought to avoid the lawsuit claiming the BLM isn’t responsible for how a stolen gun is used.

More on San Francisco and Feds asking Steinle’s to drop the lawsuit Here

More on Feds seeking to avoid liability for the stolen fire arm Here

I wish they would broaden the lawsuit to include Obama and the whole Democrat party.

17 Comments on Feds Try To Weasel Out of Steinle Wrongful Death Lawsuit

  1. I would not enjoy being sued if one of my weapons was stolen and used to commit a crime. I take precautions, but nothing is theft proof.

    If the weapon was lost due to negligence, that is a different matter.

  2. “The real question is… why do BLM agents need guns in the first place? Oh, my bad. It’s so they can seize land.”

    Well, why does Parks and Recreations, HUD, many school districts (including L.A. Unified), Department of Fish and Game, the IRS, Social Security Administration, etc etc, need their own damn SWAT teams. I know one of the guys that trains them.

  3. Brad brought out something many do not know. Scads of federal offices have armed personnel. And there is no reason for this AT ALL. US Marshall’s and the FBI do have a reason. They are on call for any other agency that has a need for armed presence if situations deem that prudent.

    Somebody needs to put a bug in Trump’s folks ears about this proliferation of poorly trained, poorly supervised armed desk jockeys.

    A personal peeve of mine is armed BATF agents. They are tax collectors, not cops. That entire agency needs to be disarmed post haste.

  4. “The weapon used was stolen …”

    What does it matter to a bullet if the gum is stolen or legal? It’s the finger pulling the trigger that is the problem.

    As for the gov not going along with being sued, where were they when families of gun violence sued the gun manufacturers?

  5. Lowell
    I just built a 308 platform gun for a fire arms instructor for freaken Parks and Recreation. He come walking in here looking like a damn Navy Seal that just finished up a mission in Kandahar. And I know the POST Certified Trainer that trained him. I keep thinking to myself,the last guy I’d want to have a run in with in a park while I’m recreating is this guy.

  6. I didn’t read the link (being lazy), but I thought the main issue rested on the fact of the murderer’s even being in the country after many other crimes committed by him. That fact alone seems to be enough cause.

  7. @AA I think the city and the feds both know they face liability for their policy and unwillingness to enforce the laws on the books, that’s why they asked for the family to be nice sheeple and drop the case.

    I hope they win millions from both.

  8. Why haven’t the elected officials of San Francisco (past and present) been charged, under the felony-murder rule, with first degree murder in this?

    The illegal alien murderer was part of their ‘sanctuary city’ criminal conspiracy, and committed the murder during, and as a direct result, of that criminal conspiracy.

    Hang them all.

  9. @Brad:

    Well, why does Parks and Recreations, HUD, many school districts…

    Indeed, especially the feddle govt’s thug squads. Last time I checked, the Constitution allows for non-military armed agents to act to stop counterfeiting, piracy, felonies on the high seas, and violations of international law (Art. 1, Sec. 8, #6 & #10). If you stretch a lot and squint some, maybe you could include literal law enforcement duties using the militia (1/8/15-16). But I don’t care how much you stretch or squint, there’s no Constitutional loophole that allows for a Department of Education, much less a DoE SWAT team.

  10. @Dr. Tar — Again, not having read the link…

    Do you suppose they are pressing for a dropped suit because they know that AG Sessions is going to LOVE, LOVE, LOVE going after these skeezes in ‘sanctuary cities’?

    I love it when evil worries.

  11. “The federal government sought to avoid the lawsuit claiming the BLM isn’t responsible for how a stolen gun is used.”

    Oh, NOW they agree with the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act.

  12. Uncle Al, On a practical level these groups and agencies receiving these weapons and training are not law enforcement. Most have no authority to enforce any laws. They’ve had no criminology training. They’re government employees with lot’s of fire power and minimal training. What the F does a Parks and Recreation employee need with a 1,000 yard gun?

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