Fetterman’s Wife Goes Dark On Social Media Accounts Amid Progressive Backlash – IOTW Report

Fetterman’s Wife Goes Dark On Social Media Accounts Amid Progressive Backlash

Gisele is no longer active on multiple social media platforms as her husband faces backlash from progressives over his positions on Israel and the southern border.

12 Comments on Fetterman’s Wife Goes Dark On Social Media Accounts Amid Progressive Backlash

  1. It would only be news if followers of the progressive worldview were not threatening her. They are hard wired that way. Subhuman pieces of shit are what they are. They are not the least bit tolerant and are quite similar to Islamists in that regard.

  2. Seeing how he is making more sense now, she can’t be the power behind the curtain. She’s probably going to try for a big handful of cash and disappear. I think she was hoping he would die and she would be appointed to serve out his term out of sympathy. And once she was in, as long as she voted with the dems she would have had a gig for life.

  3. Orcs. They gang together to destroy anything that shows up that isn’t Orc. Then when there isn’t anything not Orc to destroy, they spend their time destroying one another. This describes leftists very succinctly.

    This describes moslems as well. Just look around a bit.

    Fetterman is a conundrum. A sensible electorate would never have put such an individual into any office, not least out of consideration for his fragile condition (see Joe Biden). The American left, an adjunct of the international left, the successor group to the communist international, no doubt through fraud, put this damaged individual into high office through cynical and amoral intent, to aggrandize power. Now the evil creatures have a pawn who crawfishes on them and it is pleasant to watch, though in truth it represents the further degradation of our constitutional republic into… whatever it is becoming.

  4. At this point, who has the dain bramage? John Fetterman or progressives?

    At this point, my vote is progressives, who not only take illogical positions, but frequently advocate for things that are in direct contradiction to other positions they take. But they usually know how to chant slogans – which seems to be a substitute for actual thinking.


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