Finally! Tijuana’s mayor wants caravan organizers busted – IOTW Report

Finally! Tijuana’s mayor wants caravan organizers busted


American Thinker: The mayor of Tijuana, who’s been saddled with $26,000 a day in costs to house and feed the caravan migrants, getting nothing but crime, insults, bills, pestilence, and garbage in return, is finally on to something: holding the cynical leftist caravan organizers of this humanitarian disaster accountable.

He wants the caravan’s organizers, Pueblo Sin Fronteras, arrested.

According to RT News, citing a Fox News video:

Leaders of Central American caravans should face criminal charges and be held accountable for the damage caused to Tijuana as thousands of migrants continue to plague the city, waiting to learn their fate on the US-Mexico border.

Members of Pueblo Sin Fronteras (Nation Without Borders), an immigration rights group known for organizing several migrant caravans in Mexico and Central America, as well as other unidentified organizers, should be prosecuted, Tijuana Mayor Juan Manuel Gastelum told Fox News.

“This person who says he is from Pueblo Sin Fronteras… Let’s take care of him, in a legal way,” Gastelum said.  “Those are really criminals because they’re dealing with lives, they’re dealing with people… It’s a federal crime.”

The Fox News video of the mayor speaking is here.

Besides the direct costs of housing and feeding and medically treating the caravan migrants, who number about 8,000 at this point, Mexican businesses in Tijuana lost more than a million dollars in business after caravan migrants hurled rocks and stormed the Tijuana entry into the U.S. Sunday, forcing the shutdown of the U.S.-Mexico border for several hours.  (On the U.S. side, the loss was about $4 million).  So everyone who follows laws and plays by the rules loses when the caravan comes to town.

The mayor’s call for arrests gets to the root of the matter: that the caravan was an artificially organized thing, not a spontaneous flight such as one sees coming from Venezuela.  Migrants were called to action by television in Honduras by these leftists; the participants were promised easy entry to the U.S.; they were organized to march around Honduran flags; women and children were planted in front for the cameras; the organizers encouraged others to join; they demonstrated their lawless intentions by busting down the Mexican-Guatemalan border; and with every promise of the reward at the end of the journey false (and the organizers clearly using the participants to promote their open borders political project), what we see here really is a criminal act, given the sufferings of the migrants.  In Tijuana, they’re out there in sopping wet cold, camping out in the mud as Tijuana bears the brutal costs exacted on its citizens and their elected government.  read more here

8 Comments on Finally! Tijuana’s mayor wants caravan organizers busted

  1. $26,000 a day for all those people (LOL), the Lib’s would have us paying easily in excess of 500,000 daily with their demands or risk being called Hitler.
    When You hear the TJ Mayor say ” Take care of them “, you run for the freeking hills as fast as you can.


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