The firing squad is certainly faster — and more violent — than lethal injection. It’s a lot more tense, too. My heart started pounding a little after Sigmon’s lawyer read his final statement. The hood was put over Sigmon’s head, and an employee opened the black pull shade that shielded where the three prison system volunteer shooters were.
About two minutes later, they fired. There was no warning or countdown. The abrupt crack of the rifles startled me. And the white target with the red bullseye that had been on his chest, standing out against his black prison jumpsuit, disappeared instantly as Sigmon’s whole body flinched. More
More on how Brad Sigmon ended being put to death by the state of South Carolina by the same AP reporter. Here
This is how it should be done.
Though I’m partial to an axe.
“Sigmon’s last meal was four pieces of fried chicken, green beans, mashed potatoes with gravy, biscuits, cheesecake and sweet tea.”
The line between life and death is often quick and violent.
Even without the firing squad.
He should have been beaten to death with a baseball bat like his victims. He got a more merciful death than he deserved.
Leave it to AP to sensationalize this execution. I watched the complete statements and questions of all the witnesses involved. The ones that actually made it bigger than it actually was can be attributed to the witnesses that were also reporters.
I’ve got no shits to give after paying for his prison stay the last few decades or what food he ate before being shot like the murderer he is.
Prayers for the family who relives the murder of the Couple he beat to death.
Quick, violent and best of all final.
The guillotine was the cleanest execution device ever. Bring back 18th century technology.
So what if their head attempted a speech after the deed? All the better.
We live among monsters and we need to be brave enough to think like them.
It wasn’t quick at all, it took about 20 years too long.
I’ve always admired the ‘half hung, drawn and quartered’ style execution. Let the SOB suffer.
Way too nice for Fauxi…just saying.
In the “No shit, Sherlock” department…
As a society we have become soft. Most people in most places in America have little exposure to violence outside the news. Only in ghettos and other “special” places is risk of daily violence a reality. Because of this most people cannot handle actual reality…especially the bloody violent aspect, the part that is often ignored but will never go away.
“Violent?” Boo-hoo. The perp was dead in a split second – unlike his victim. He died too peacefully. Hanging should be the execution method in America.
Way overdue. Firing squad seems quicker and more humane for murderers than lethal injection – but not deserve.
He’s last words as a so-called Christian didn’t add up. God’s ok with capital punishment for the likes of him.
Buh, buh, blunderbuss.
Bring back the gallows.
I think it in Japan where if you’re sentenced to death, you don’t know when it’s your day. Each day you wake up might be your last. I’m fine with capital punishment after a fair appeal. I don’t think we should stoop to third world level of execution styles. Just quick and effective. Side thought, I heard this on a talk radio program years ago, use the same drug for lethal injection as used for doctor assisted suicide.
@ Lance Boyle
Pfizer or Moderna Pick your poison, have Fauci administer the execution.
how was it for the victim, you stupid ****** assholes? fku