First ever stunning, brave, blah blah blah, tranny cheerleader added to Carolina Panthers squad – IOTW Report

First ever stunning, brave, blah blah blah, tranny cheerleader added to Carolina Panthers squad

CR: The Carolina Panthers will debut the first-ever openly transgender NFL cheerleader for its TopCats team this upcoming football season.

Justine Lindsay, 29, said that she is the NFL’s very first transgender cheerleader — a “big” moment that she said made her proud to “break down that door.”

“This is big,” she told BuzzFeed News during a recent interview. “I think more people need to see this. It’s not because I want recognition. It’s just to shed light on what’s going on in the world.”

In March, Lindsay took to Instagram where she made the announcement.

“Cats Out the Bag,” she wrote at the time. “You are looking at the newest member of the Carolina Panthers TopCats Cheerleader’s @topcats as the first Transgender female.” more

39 Comments on First ever stunning, brave, blah blah blah, tranny cheerleader added to Carolina Panthers squad

  1. …if you’re going to the game to watch the cheerleaders, I’m not sure why you’d do that anyway but you’ve been SOL for years anyway as they dropped their actual appearance standards and suggestive uniforms years ago, because, feminism…

  2. Remember kids!… Faggots are the most important people in the whole wide World!!! Yaaaay!!!… Wanna know why? Because faggots are what the ruling class want us all to be… People who suck dicks, take it up the ass, and like it.

  3. Please stop reinforcing this madness by referring to these freaks by whatever description they “feel” they are.
    Just call them “freak”, “thing” or “it”.

  4. Why dafuq is the Blaze Media article using female pronouns for that tranny dude? This thing is a male. He was born a male, he will die a male and in 100 years someone could dig up his bones and would still be able to tell that the bones were that of a male.

  5. Laughing at the way this tranny is being referred to as “openly transgender” as if this troon would ever fool anybody into thinking it was a real woman.

  6. The Carolina Panthers are proud to announce that we are adding a mentally ill person to our cheerleading squad. We are also on the lookout for other deranged people to add in the near future. So, if you know of anyone who thinks they are a dog, a cat, or, and this would be great, a panther, please send them our way. We are also very interested in people who talk to trees, rocks and other inanimate objects. We are proud to be woke.

  7. He’ll have a job for life. A few years from now, when he fails to win a spot on the squad all hell will break loose…the Panthers org. is transphobic. Will either be the oldest cheerleader in NFL history or become part of the front office. Mentally ill freak hit the jackpot.

  8. The GBLTQ∞ deviants are a perfect example of a granfaloon.

    Kurt Vonnegut, the inventor of that term, says a “granfalloon is a proud and meaningless collection of human beings.” He gives as examples “Hoosiers” and “alumni of Cornell University” (Vonnegut was an alumnus of Cornell).

  9. It disturbs me that a low-down “tranny”, probably a God-hating atheist who hates the body God designed for him, is associated with one of God’s most beautifully designed creatures, the panther.

    The perverts, including Tranny freaks, are screwing up humanity like nothing else in history.

  10. “I think more people need to see this. It’s not because I want recognition. It’s just to shed light on what’s going on in the world.”

    Uh no. More ppl DO NOT need to see “this”. It IS precisely b’cause you want recognition. And whatever you’re “shedding”, it certainly ain’t light upon the world.

    No surprises here, all of it is exactly opposite of what he claims.

  11. 40 years ago, my fellow Tarheels would’ve lynched it & the entire team to learn ’em a lesson! See what happens when libtard Yankees infest your state!!!

  12. I am sick of all this transgender, faggot, BLM BS…however I am SO glad that all of this BS is becoming more and more prevalent just like the dancing and prancing around Noah’s ark and Sodom and Gomorrah’s oblisk because we are that much closer to the return of Jesus Christ.

  13. The delusional deviant will last as long as a fart in a wind storm as a pretend female “cheerleader”. He’s mental disorder demands attention that wil set off chaos.
    At some point, along with the constant boos from the crowds, one or more of the other actual females will “shade” him – real or imagined. That’s when the sh** will hit the fan and Black Tranny Superfreak will act out in a full finger-snapping, neck-twisting tantrum mode and quit. He won’t tolerate no dragging and demand his “peach” for being the “first” tyranny on the NC Panthers Cheerleadering Squad. The left truly ruin everything.


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