First lady helps lay keel for new submarine – IOTW Report

First lady helps lay keel for new submarine


NORTH KINGSTOWN, R.I. (AP) — Michelle Obama wrote her initials in chalk on a steel plate and a welder inscribed them in Navy tradition as the keel was laid for the future USS Illinois on Monday.

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The first lady is the sponsor of the nation’s 13th Virginia-class attack submarine, and the plate with her initials will be permanently affixed to the vessel.

At the keel-laying ceremony at the Rhode Island manufacturing plant for Electric Boat, the first lady called being selected as the sponsor one of the extraordinary experiences of her life.

“I am going to do my best to honor your service by being a really good sponsor, OK,” the first lady told the submarine’s crew. “I am going to do my job really, really well. I am going to think about you always. But more importantly, I’m going to use every fiber of my body to make sure that we live in a country that never forgets your service.”



32 Comments on First lady helps lay keel for new submarine

  1. “…I am going to do my best to honor your service by being a really good sponsor, OK,” the first lady told the submarine’s crew. “I am going to do my job really, really well…”

    Is that not the speaking ability of a teenager?

  2. That Submarine is doomed!… doomed I tell you!!
    As if it’s not bad enough that we lost the original U.S.S. Illinois – USS-44 (SS-155) in WWII..which was sunk by the Japanese frigate Ishigaki on October 7th 1943.. The following sailors were lost on the USS S-44 on 7 October 1943:
    S1 Billy Beck
    S1 Tobias Biller
    LCDR Francis Brown CO
    CSC Leo Butters
    MoMM2 Charles Calvert
    EM3 Patrick Carrier
    CPhM Tom Cleverdon
    S2 Thomas Cooper
    MoMM1 Paul Cutright
    CMoMM William Dillow
    EM3 William Ellis
    S1 William Erhart
    ChBosn Daniel Erico
    MoMM1 Rhollo Fees
    Y2 Earl Ferrell
    F1 David Gander
    F1 Frank George
    F1 Fred Giles, Jr.
    S2 Frederick Gillen, Jr.
    CK2 Curtis Glenn
    MoMM2 Edward Godfrey
    F3 Tommy Goodin
    F3 Junior Green
    CEM Tony Harasimowicz
    MoMM2 Holly Howard
    MoMM1 Nick Hugyo
    GM2 Phil Jaworski
    MoMM2 Clidie Johnston
    MoMM2 Lyle Klink
    CMoMM Arthur Miller
    StM2 Herman Mitchell
    TM3 William Morris
    GM1 Clarence Moss
    ENS Benjamin Nash
    SM2 Thomas Parr, Jr.
    LTJG F.K. Queen
    SC2 Billy Queen
    LT Robert Quinn XO
    EM3 Eugene Rauch
    MoMM2 Russell Rodgers
    S2 Lloyd Rodin
    RM3 Harry Rosenberg
    MoMM2 John Rubits
    F1 James Sloan, Jr.
    TM3 Authur Smith
    EM1 Charles Smith
    CSM George Smith
    RM1 John Stephens
    LTJG James Stephenson, Jr.
    CTM Harold Stromsoe
    MoMM2 Dale Thompson
    QM3 Frank Turner, Jr.
    TM1 Joe Velebny
    S1 Robert Warburton
    S1 George Wester
    F1 John Wood

    Only two men escaped the sinking ship. The sole survivors were Chief Torpedoman’s Mate Ernest A. Duva and Radioman Third Class William F. Whitemore, who were picked up by the enemy destroyer. They were taken first to Paramushiro, then to the Naval Interrogation Camp at Ōfuna. The men spent the last year of World War II working in the Ashio copper mines and survived to be repatriated by the Allies at the end of the war.

    Now, this nasty Sasquatch-looking bitch has jinxed it’s replacement, and tarnished it’s name. how horrible!

  3. Tomorrow, when no one is looking, I hope some welder destroys those initials and welds a piece of metal bearing the Lord’s Prayer over that spot. The officers and men on that submarine are now going to need the Lord more than ever.

  4. It’s rather sad that a woman whose disdain for the military is only surpassed by Hilary Clinton’s should be chosen to sponsor a military craft. No doubt Ms. Obama will consult on the sub’s menu and will have them all vegetarian in no time.

  5. “I am going to do my job really, really well. I am going to think about you always. But more importantly, I’m going to use every fiber of my body to make sure that we live in a country that never forgets your service.”

    She sounds like a toddler trying to convince her parent that she means what she says. Bitch.

  6. I wouldn’t want to be crew on that boat. When crew is assigned and Moose learns the boat has a COB she’ll think of corn and ask for a platter. ( fyi – COB = Chief Of the Boat)

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