First Lady Pounds Sand – IOTW Report

First Lady Pounds Sand

She just landed in Qatar, ready to waste tax-payer money on another BS initiative, but never mind all that.
You simply must see her new outfit.


It’s to die laughing for!

32 Comments on First Lady Pounds Sand

  1. First off, can Qatar keep her and secondly she better watch out for bees because that brightly flowered covered outfit will surely attract a lot of bees thinking she’s a giant flower. Go bees go! Do they have bees in Qatar? Or probably just tons of flies in which case they should’ve sent barry over there. The only way that outfit could’ve been uglier is if it was a paisley design.

  2. I lived in Florida for a few years and owned a bunch of Hawaiian shirts. I don’t wear them now, but I’d probably wear a Hawaiian shirt that looked like that.

    Or is that some sort of mandelbrot or fractal pattern? Can’t tell. Whatever.

    Seems a little odd for a FLOTUS, she looks like someone’s eccentric aunt who has a perpetual garage sale in the front yard and 13 cats.

  3. Typical Mooch attire. Frightening and tacky. BTW, when she visits jihad and communist countries she tends to honor the dress codes, yet when she shows up in our allied nations, she’s dressed like it’s wash day.

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