Flashback: Candid Camera Did a Bit Where Everyone Wore Masks in a Restaurant and It Freaked People Out – IOTW Report

Flashback: Candid Camera Did a Bit Where Everyone Wore Masks in a Restaurant and It Freaked People Out

ht/ hot salsa

2 Comments on Flashback: Candid Camera Did a Bit Where Everyone Wore Masks in a Restaurant and It Freaked People Out

  1. LOL šŸ˜‚

    The look’s on the customer’s faces are priceless, you could never getaway with cracks about mask muzzles šŸ˜· like they did in today’s environment.

    Definitely sharing this video, enjoy it while you can. šŸ˜‰

  2. No shit, uncomfortable should be the norm. And now? I’m the one getting the evil eye for not wearing one.

    And what can you say to a small business owner who can get a $10,000 fine for allowing an ummasked customer in his store? I acquiesce.

    I’ll note that none of these mandates or fines were debated in the legislature, they are edicts issued by the WA Sec/Health. Fucking bullshit.


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