Flashback: Remember When Andrew Cuomhole Told Conservatives To Get Out of New York? – IOTW Report

Flashback: Remember When Andrew Cuomhole Told Conservatives To Get Out of New York?

Wash Times-

“It’s more about extreme Republicans versus moderate Republicans,” he said in a radio interview Friday, National Review Online reported. “You’re seeing that play out in New York…

“Their problem is not me and the Democrats; their problem is themselves. Who are they? Are they these extreme conservatives who are right-to-life, pro-assault-weapon, anti-gay? Is that who they are? Because if that’s who they are and they’re the extreme conservatives, they have no place in the state of New York, because that’s not who New Yorkers are.”


BigFurHat Times-

“It’s more about extreme Democrats versus socialists,” BFH said in a radio interview Friday, National Review Online reported. “You’re seeing that play out in the United States…

“Their problem is not me and the Conservatives; their problem is themselves. Who are they? Are they these extreme democrat/socialists who are for open borders, pro-10 year-old drag queens, anti-2nd amendment? Is that who they are? Because if that’s who they are and they’re in the extreme fringe of the left, they have no place in the United States, because that’s not who Americans are.”


How is what Cuomo said any different than what Trump said?

8 Comments on Flashback: Remember When Andrew Cuomhole Told Conservatives To Get Out of New York?

  1. Remember when there was an argument about gay rights, and people said, “What’s next? Men can use the toilet with your kids?” –Yup, that’s indeed what’s next.

    Signs for Pedo rights are already popping up as trial balloons. If you let these people win on “love is a family” then you will always lose. Everything can be legitimized as “love.”

    Stand your ground and make liberals defend sexual policy. I may just temporarily convert to Islam just to rid the neighborhood of gays.

  2. The Cuomo crime family has reduced the entire state of New York into a rodent and cockroach habitat.
    I feel for the upstater’s who have zero representation. Same goes for Indiana where Chicago politics controls the entire state.

  3. If my governor is a fascist and a moron and he feels comfortable to order legitimate citizens to leave (solely on their beliefs), he wouldn’t have to tell me twice.

    The criminal sin is that he can get away with attaching “exit taxes” on those who decide to flee his shithole.

    If his power was suddenly taken from him, he should expect an immediate encounter with his Creator. As our Founders described.


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