Florida Man Who Made Off with Pelosi’s Podium Gets 75 Days – IOTW Report

Florida Man Who Made Off with Pelosi’s Podium Gets 75 Days


The Florida man who “broke the internet” after he grabbed Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s podium during the chaos at the Capitol on January 6, 2021, has been sentenced to more than two months in prison for his role in the so-called “insurrection,” a stunt that he admits he now regrets.

On Friday, Adam Johnson received a punishment of 75 days behind bars along with one year of supervised release from U.S. District Judge Reggie Walton who also ordered him to pay a $5,000 fine along with 200 hours of community service, a steep price for his fleeting moment of fame. More

16 Comments on Florida Man Who Made Off with Pelosi’s Podium Gets 75 Days

  1. Why does she need a personal lectern anyway? Can’t they all share one? Is she planning on taking it with her when she retires after the 2022 midterms? Does it have a secret hidden compartment for booze bottles?

  2. “The only thing he took to his cell was his new boyfriend”

    Liberal makes homophobic statement.

    Didn’t see that comin’. I mean, our annony libs are friggen’ torchbearers of progressive ideology. No way a lib would make a homophobic statement in a misguided attempt to smear Conservatives that actually resulted in the libs self exposure as nothing more than an empty headed queer baiting pencilnecked loser.

    That never happens.

  3. Ah memories…. your mention of a pop up dildo reminds of the other week at the clubhouse. A hang around asked me why I only had one hammer pin on my cut.* “They don’t make rubber dildo pins.” Is what I said.

    I could see his mind racing.

    “You beat some dude with a rubber dildo?”
    “Why would you beat a woman with a rubber dildo?”
    “I couldn’t find a hammer.”

    * A cut is a club members vest that has the club patches as well as individual patches and pins denoting specific achievements. A hammer pin means that member dealt out Justice with a hammer.

  4. @Aaron Burr February 27, 2022 at 10:37 pm

    > Ah memories…

    No snarky. SRSLY.

    “Western” man can envision this. But needs to learn “history”. Cuz maf’s too hard.

    And, we should lament their passing?

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