Florida Woman Arrested After Allegedly Threatening Copycat Crime Against BlueShield Insurance – IOTW Report

Florida Woman Arrested After Allegedly Threatening Copycat Crime Against BlueShield Insurance


A woman in Florida has been arrested after she allegedly threatened the health insurance company BlueShield with a copycat crime following the murder of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson.

The woman, 42-year-old Briana Boston of Lakeland, allegedly called BlueCross BlueShield in response to a recent medical claim being denied and issued a threat echoing the UnitedHealthcare CEO killer’s words. more

5 Comments on Florida Woman Arrested After Allegedly Threatening Copycat Crime Against BlueShield Insurance

  1. Suspect there’ll be many more of these whether or not they follow up on all is another question.

    I can remember when many/most had NO Coverage and why my old man had to work as many as three jobs at a time. Benefits? That changed the dynamic of the job market…

  2. While health insurance CEOs are hardly sympathetic figures, I think they are being set up here to be the scapegoats for the utter folly of Obamacare. It’s like what Thomas Sowell said once. If you think it cost to much to pay doctors and hospitals, then I doubt the cure to that problem is to have to pay for doctors and hospitals AND a giant new government & corporate bureaucracies to manage those costs too.

    The rich use boutique health care now, where they have private physicians & dentists and pay them out of pocket. The doctors and dentists actually make more money that way and their wealthy clients actually pay less for that healthcare than an insurance company would.

  3. Maybe the insurance companies need a third party investigation to be sure they are living up to their contracts. Someone other than their pals in the insurance industry or political pals they donate to.

  4. Since when do people get arrested for running their mouths? Why not investigate first, observe, and then proceed. We don’t live in a country where prospective crimes are prosecuted do we? or is the “Minority Report” coming true?

  5. Before Obamacare, the company I worked for paid for my health coverage 100%.
    The first new calendar year after Obamacare went into effect my contributed premium jumped to 50% – but it was still somewhere around $700/month to cover my entire family with low out of pocket deductible and up to $25 out of pocket for prescriptions.
    Every year since my premium has increased exponentially. I’m now paying more than 50% of my gross income JUST FOR FRICKIN HEALTH INSURANCE that doesn’t even kick in until I have spent over $3000 out of pocket, and God forbit I need a prescription because THAT costs me up to $200!
    Thanks, Obama, you F!

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