CFP: Despite the continual drama surrounding President Trump and his administration, it is comforting to know that his political opposition is in total chaos. Since the 2008 presidential election of Barack Obama, Democrats have lost over 1,000 state legislative seats across the country. While Democrats have total control of the Governorship and state legislatures in only five states, today Republicans have the most legislative seats in the history of the party. more here
When you combine Failed Communism with a new Anti-White racial hatred, you have the perfect losing formula.
As millions of Illegsls self deport and disappear, as National Voter ID laws become reality, the unstable patchwork coalition that is the Democrat Party will continue to shrink.
Everyone is commenting that the Dem’s “A Better Deal” is a rip off of Papa John. Sounds to me more like Paul Ryan’s “A Better Way” that he keeps trying to cram down our throats in place of the Trump agenda we voted for.
Isn’t it time Ryan and McConnell – along with McCain, Graham, Collins, Flake and Amash admitted they’re on the Democrat payroll?
With numbers like that you really have to wonder how the 2016 race could have been that close (more from a popular vote although a lot of states went to Trump on pretyy thin margins). I understand that a lot of peoples voting stratagy is to vote partyX in the State and party Y Federally but it still strikes me a odd.
Nancy calculates the cross dresser vote will still give them the edge. Coupled with the NAMBLA and Tarot readers she’s comfortable that a sweeping victory is at hand.
They are in deep trouble. Elizabeth Warren sounded the warning bell when Robert James Richie — Kid Rock threw into the MI senate race. The problem for the Dems is they’ve sold out to their environmental wackos and other radical sects and no longer have a message or anything to offer for the common man. A Better Deal isn’t going to cut it when there is no plan on how to deliver that deal. But a guy that can say if you work hard and pay taxes you should be able to navigate your government and not have to fight them every step of the way is the message most of flyover country agrees with and embraces. The Dems are stuck on the celebrity aspect and not the message Trump and Rock are delivering which is really what people are voting for. I hope they stay stuck for a long time.
Feelin’ kinda down today. Does anyone know how to make Pelosi say something?
Six years ago was a presidential year, expect the usual midturn turnout for a big Republican win.