Former Chicago top cop: Black Lives Matter killing blacks – IOTW Report

Former Chicago top cop: Black Lives Matter killing blacks


Former Chicago Superintendent of Police Garry McCarthy said Sunday that the Black Lives Matter movement was ultimately responsible for rising crimes rates in his city and nationally because it was making it harder for police to do their jobs.

blm and obama

McCarthy said that the movement was responsible for a rise in “noncompliance” — people refusing to cooperate or surrender to police.

“What is happening is — and this is ironic — that a movement with the goal of saving black lives is at this point is getting black lives taken because 80 percent of our murder victims here in Chicago are male blacks,” McCarthy told New York radio talk show host John Catsimatidis.

McCarthy was superintendent at the time of the 2014 death of Laquan McDonald, a 17 year-old who was shot by police. Dashboard camera footage of McDonald’s death contradicted the officers’ accounts of the incident, which contended that McDonald had come at them with a knife. The resulting protests after the footage was released helped to fuel the then-growing Black Lives Matter movement. An officer in the shooting has been charged with murder. McCarthy was fired by Mayor Rahm Emanuel earlier this year.

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11 Comments on Former Chicago top cop: Black Lives Matter killing blacks

  1. Let the police do their job’s. Start using the night sticks and whack a few heads. Those anarchists need to be put down. When they block bridges–throw them over the rails. enough is enough……

  2. A personal legacy item contributed by the Fairie half-assed black Hussein. Notice the gorilla on his left in the photo, Elijah Cummings. Nice family gathering, huh?

  3. Southwesterner, you nailed it. The only SOB in the land lower than asshole piss ant Emanuel is shithead barack O. America is being shaped by the scumbags from the bottom of the outhouse. Resist America.

  4. BLM is a textbook criminal conspiracy.
    Funded by Soros and some other me-too Lefty foundations whose managements follow Soros’ lead.

    RICO then all. Toss the ringleaders in jail, no bail.
    Have the IRS revoke the 501C status of the big donors. Plus punitive penalties and interest and coordinate that with the RICO.

    Do this across the board with all the Soros fronts. Media Matters, Center for American Progress, MoveOn, BLM, ad nauseum.

    This crap will stop. Potential donors will flee.
    Crush the Left, as we crushed Nazism.


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