Former President “Smidgen” Still Claims his Administration is Scandal Free – IOTW Report

Former President “Smidgen” Still Claims his Administration is Scandal Free

A recording of Former President Barack Obama’s address at MIT has leaked. In the excerpt making the rounds, the former Commander-in-Chief declares, “We didn’t have a scandal that embarrassed us.” More

Upon hearing the declaration, Sean Hannity did a quick review of just some of the major crimes, violations, screw-ups and examples of incompetence that define Obama’s eight years in office. Watch



16 Comments on Former President “Smidgen” Still Claims his Administration is Scandal Free

  1. the key to understanding the statement is ” … that embarrassed us.”

    he/they have no shame … they did what they did because they are ‘true believers’ in ‘The Struggle’ … whatever is necessary to further the cause is absolutely acceptable … there is no ’embarrassment’

  2. Oh my gosh, BFH, that is my favorite picture of obama, ever. It should replace that piece of 💩 he commissioned to hang in the National Gallery.

    Now one of Michelle wearing that dress, is needed. Your talents are seemingly endless. Thank you.

  3. There’s a big difference between “no scandal” and “no scandal that embarrassed us”. The only reason there were no embarrassments was because of the media in their back pocket.

  4. The simple explanation why he could make that statement is because him and his like minded gaggle of moronic followers are incapable of embarrassment hence the audacious actions they think little of doing.

  5. He’s never been anything but a two-bit con man. If he didn’t get into politics he’d be prowling neighborhoods selling home siding or driveway resurfacing to old unsuspecting people.

  6. Obama has no shame. Anything is legitimate for the cause of communism so none of it embarrassed him.
    He parses words as well as Bill Clinton who questioned the meaning of the word “is”.

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