Former top CIA spy blasts old boss John Brennan’s ‘unpatriotic’ conduct as ‘dereliction of duty’ – IOTW Report

Former top CIA spy blasts old boss John Brennan’s ‘unpatriotic’ conduct as ‘dereliction of duty’

Just The News: Former CIA Moscow station Chief Daniel Hoffman laid into his former boss at Central Intelligence Agency, John Brennan, during an interview with Just the News.

“One of the things that bothers me the most is when someone kind of starts with their answer, and then they try to twist the facts to fit it,” Hoffman said Tuesday. “I saw Brennan do that when I served under him CIA. And I saw him do it when he was, you know, a contributor at MSNBC accusing the president of treason with nothing whatsoever to back it up.” 

The former station chief said that Brennan’s behavior related to the Russia collusion narrative was not much different than what he witnessed during his time serving under him at the CIA, the country’s top spy agency.

“There were policies he supported, whether it was the policy in Syria or Iran. And when you told him something that would force him to challenge his assumptions, his response was just to get mad at you and not really want to hear what you have to say,” Hoffman said.

15 Comments on Former top CIA spy blasts old boss John Brennan’s ‘unpatriotic’ conduct as ‘dereliction of duty’

  1. @Jimmy – nope, not her, I’m hoping for_________ ‘head to roll’. I’ll leave that one at THAT.

    I’m past her actually. She is a miserably old bitter drunk. Although of course I would love to see her see her …get hers.

    Hint: Brennan was not SENT to Putin by Hillary…Capish?

  2. aaaaand the wheels fly off the CIA bus as the entire flaming vehicle hurtles off the overpass and launches itself towards Langly.

    Kinda’ figured the smaller fry would rebel first. You know, station chief of Trinidad and Tobago gives interview to Rolling Stone… stuff like that.

    But DAAAAYYYUM!!!!! Moscow Station chief to Brennan “fuck that guy”.

    And it ain’t even Friday yet.

  3. @Jimmy – yep, and lastly will add, do you reeeeeally think this POTUS will let that one go?? Given that the POTUS was bugged on 55th st and Fifth Ave, then being tipped off by M Rogers (PATRIOT) and then left for Bedminster, NJ. Remember??

    Even if ‘he’ would to get off? The POTUS will destroy him after the presidency is over, so what if we wait for four more years?? It WILL happen.

    Is there one of those great claymation boxing versions of Trump vs Choomer yet?? Would love to see a ‘Texas Death Match’ version with the cage and all. This way the pipsqueek could not escape!

  4. ghost, I’ll wager this POTUS would love to read things like:

    “Hillary didn’t kill herself!”

    in places like iOTW after she dies in prison. At that point, he might let #1 go and allow history to write the epitaph of THAT monster.

  5. @Jimmy – History sometimes needs to be corrected and history yet to be written, is written by the winners, hopefully DJT and iOTW in that case.

    Listening to R Stone on M Levin right now, verrrry interesting…


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