Former Univision Host, Accused of Raping 7-Year-Old Girl, is on the run – IOTW Report

Former Univision Host, Accused of Raping 7-Year-Old Girl, is on the run

Breitbart: A former Univision host stands accused of raping a girl multiple times last year.

Victor Hugo Alvarez-Real, 35, was charged in Arkansas on May 15 for allegedly raping a 7-year-old girl multiple times in 2016, 5NEWS reported.

Police issued an arrest warrant for Alvarez-Real on May 25 and have so far been unable to locate him.

A relative of the victim, Barbara Gutierrez, said this entire ordeal had been the most difficult thing she has ever experienced because of the pain and suffering of the little girl.


15 Comments on Former Univision Host, Accused of Raping 7-Year-Old Girl, is on the run

  1. You mean, there *isn’t* an exclusion for
    Minority Barbaric Oppressed Love Needs?!

    Waiting for the Leftist to cry,
    “Don’t you “CAAAARE”?!? after all, only White Cis Males can RAPE!”

  2. @Major Mal Function, it may have just been an accident…

    “Saudi millionaire cleared of raping teenager after telling court he may have accidentally penetrated 18-year-old when he tripped and fell on her”


  3. There is no need to be all upset by this. After the man is convicted, slide a glass tube in his we-we and break it with a hammer. After this quick process, he should be free to go.
    Every time he has to go hr will beIn excruciating pain and agony for the rest of his natural life.

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